
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Proud Mother's Journey

Two smiling faces! Hannah and Nick! In a few shorts days Hannah and I will be seeing Nick and his team run at Nationals in NYC! These guys will be joining us:
Rebekah has a new job so she will hold down the fort with her sissy:
and the grandson Colton! They will care for the pets and make sure Uncle John is doing good.
This prayerful image is my life always. Work is rough, I need prayer. Life is great with the phamily, I will always pray.

My mother would say this, I am like my father, I am fearful sometime. Worry wart. Emotionally charged. Life is cruel. It is tough. My mother would simply say "Pray harder". I do.

My son Nick would tell me this. When I run, and with the cold wintry weather, it has been difficult, he will encourage me. He is the one person, when I am sad or having a really awful day, that will text me something simple like "Love you mom".It is always random. I often miss hearing from him. I know he is busy with school, with studies, with running, with training but he is always reading my thoughts and shares his love for me. It always makes my day easier.
Oh how simple life would be! Kindness is getting to be a rare gem, along with good manners and thoughtful, respectful folks. I am blessed. I know many and I concentrate on them. I have never had a negative comment about my behavior with patients in twelve years. Once I was reprimanded for discussing politics but I only did because the patient who engaged me thought a lot like I do and so we got chatty! I talk to an average of forty people daily when I am at work.  I can honestly tell you most people with the language barrier are some of the kindest folks to deal with. They like me because I have patience. I guess it is a rare gift today. I always think that if I am kind and someone is really hurting I might have made their day just a little better. We never know what is going on with people we see on the street. I try to make an effort to exude kindness. It is the way I was raised. Women are hard to read. When I call my scheduled patient list each day I speak to half of the folks on my list. Older ladies are usually very kind. Some well mannered young ones too. I make a list of the people who give me a bit of encouragement. Than I pray for them. I keep a prayer journal. I have found that prayer is all I can rely on 100 percent of the time. I fall back into it even when times are tough.
My favorite running quote. The greatest runner in my day. I wish I had been able to see him run live and in person. He is an incredible role model for young runners today even thirty nine years after his untimely death. He is a tremendous force in the runners world.
Nick is my baby. My other kids often think I favor him. Untrue. Equal love goes around this home. No one is better than his next sibling. Love from a parent is a force that is incomprehensible unless you yourself are a parent! Nick is like me. Same temperament! The baby, the youngest child. Both of us born of a mother who was nearing middle age. If you have never read it, please get a copy of Kevin Leman's book "The Birth Order". You will find yourself in the order. It is something amazing.
Now that the time is drawing near for Nick and his team mates to run at Nationals this is the advice I will give him. Then I will tell him this :

Please pray for all of us as we travel to see our fantastic son run in the two races he qualified for the 1000 meter as an individual and the distance medley relay as a team. He will run the 1200 as the first runner out of the pack of four. Pray their feet are light and they run well without injury. Have a wonderful week!


  1. Woo Hoo. Go Nick Go. Praying over all your needs, love you my friend.

  2. Hope you have good weather all the way and back. Have a great time!♥♫

  3. I will be praying for light feet for Nick and safe travels for you!!!! You are amazing how you have such a heart for suffering people and pray for them. I often see people in the grocery who look so downhearted and I do pray for them and their need. Have lots of fun.

  4. Hi Anne!!

    I hope you and Nick are running like the wind!!

    I finally posted your giveaway gift (I know, it took me way too long to do so and I am ashamed of myself).

    Thank you so much!!!

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post. Very inspirational. And I love the running analogies. I hope your son did well in his event. :-)
