
Friday, March 14, 2014

Mind Your P's and Q's

I have been missing phun here! Pink Saturday, Love Is...,Blue Monday, Spiritual Sunday and Alphabe Thursday. So I am going to go backward and get all these meme's caught up this weekend.
Peas for the letter "P"!
P's and Q's!
"Q" for Queen! Princesses and Queens! They fit together in my double Alphabe Thursday post!
I feel like a Flamingo in a flock of Pigeons! That's all I can say! Except "P" is for Pigeon too.

I have wanted to downsize some of the things I have. Dolls, books, knick knacks. But I like this quote. "Q" for quote and "P" for poetry, perfect and piled! I am a collector of magazines. I receive many in the mail and still love reading a magazine. So I keep them for at least one year. Then you run out of room! Sigh!
Say hello to Ms. Jenny and all the wonderful folks at Alphabe Thursday.  I will catch up with Pink Saturday, Love is... and Blue Monday as well as Spiritual Sunday this weekend too. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love your p's and q's ! i have some catching up to do too...Happy Pink Saturday (())

  2. I, too, really enjoyed this post, Anne. Hope you don't mind if I borrow that image/quote re. clutter. I'd like to put it on FB -- sort of a subliminal message to a family member. It's all good; just an 'LOL' if you will!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Anne, let's do our own swap ! I don't know of anyone doing a teacup swap but we surely could do our own.
    You were the BEST swap partner anyone could ask for (())

  4. I think you did very well at catching up! I love that clutter quote. That's me too. Earlier today I was trying to go through some things and figure out what to let go. I'm not very good at letting go and I must be stronger. :) I'm a long ways from being on one of those hoarder shows, but I better be careful so I don't quality some years down the road.

  5. Such an enjoyable post!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. What a fun and creative post ~ such lovely quotes and delights ~ Happy Weekend ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  7. I hope you feel like a Flamingo in a flock of Flamingos today!
