
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Flag Day/ Father's Day/Blue Monday/Love Is...

June 14, 2014 Flag Day. Did you hang your flag outside ?
 I do most everyday except when high winds or terrible weather looms. There is an auto repair shop near my home. He never takes that flag down and it is ragged and worn. I think he should remove it every evening and hang it up fresh each day.
Some quotes to ponder.

June 15, 2014: Father's Day. I miss my own father terribly during this weekend. He always loved the simple gifts we gave him because he loved cologne and we always bought him the latest favorites and when I close my eyes, I can remember all his favorite scents. I bought my hubby a new scent because, like my father, he likes good cologne too.
A favorite quote by a wonderful Major League baseball player:

 We have too many people trying to control our children in our society. We need two parents to raise them. If that is impossible than one good parent will often be able to get the job done. Children need to learn from good role models. They should be trained up by a parent or parents who follow simple parenting:
If you don't believe this, look at the condition of society. Look at the broken children, with demons instead of role models. Such a sadness. So many broken children, eating disorders, drug abuse, violence. We have to love our children but we also have to teach them respect:

 I hope you came over to share your favorite Love is....
Love is a beautiful thing. Sharing it with someone you love is even better. Having a house full of love makes your life perfect.

Now I hope you are searching for lots of blues here today. Here is a Father's Day 2014 photo of my silly phamily. It was so hot today that I slipped into old "house only" shorts and never changed them when we started too take photos. I am usually very better at color coordination! LOL! I just love taking phamily shots. Makes me smile and we enjoyed a beautiful Father's Day.  My birthday twin Julie Tucker-Wolek  shares a phoot of herself with her two kids each month. It is in honor of Aleida, her friend who passed away in a car accident way too soon and left her children with a photo of two of of them together. Julie honors her friend each month by taking photos. I love it and started a phamily holiday photo. But I think I am going to joy Julie and do the monthly photos. After all I am not getting any younger and having those memories from my own childhood make me smile. I can not find a photo of myself alone with my dad. Sad but I do have lots of other ones. I am in the process of  sorting through years of photos. Eventually I will have it all organized.

The hubby and I shared a nice Texas Roadhouse lunch and I made him a homemade chocolate pie. His sister use to make those boxed pudding pies and they aren't very good for you so I went  away from the box and  made it from scratch. Except the pie crust. I could never make one that is not as hard as a rock. I blame the high altitude. The kids made chicken fajitas for dinner and the weather was perfect.

Visit Sally and share some blues today.


  1. Happy Blue Monday, Anne! Nice family photo. Sounds like you had a great day :) Blue hugs from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  2. Figure of parents is very important reference for children. I hope all had a happy family day!

  3. I love your family photo. It's something that a lot of us don't think about until it is late in life and then we don't have any photos. Taking family photos often is a wonderful idea. In later years, your family will cherish these photos.

    I grew up with country western music and just love it!! I met George Strait and several other country music stars one year when I travelled to Nashville for a Fan Fare Week. I had the time of my life.

    I also love dancing. I can't do it much now, but in my younger years I danced all the time. It's good for the soul.

    I'm at work now, but getting ready to pack up my things and head on home to my little Pogo. The sun is shining brightly here, and I hope your day is beautiful too. Hugs, Edna B.

  4. Morning Anne,

    You're dressed fine--right in fashion with color blocking!

    We did remember to fly our flag.

    I enjoyed your quotes today. My favorite was the one by Harmon Killebrew. I've always repeated that quote, but I never knew who said it.

    BTW, I can't make a pie crust either!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. We had a nice fathers day and our daughter & SIL took us out to eat. We fly our flag everyday too. Our Fathers Day message at church yesterday was tremendous--a lot of young fathers in the audience. I wish when we were younger we had such wonderful teaching as this. One of our fathers in our church this past week lost his 12 year old girl in a car accident so there was not a dry eye in the congregation yesterday. He read from her diary--so heartbreaking and the FIRST page tells of her love for the Lord and how she wanted her life to matter. Keep the family in your prayers.

  6. We had beautiful weather here for Fathers Day...spent it with family...very blessed.
    Happy Blue Monday
    xo bj

  7. Love the family photo idea - my parent's were shy of the camera and we have very few. Lovely photos and love the 'raising children not grass' quote! Although I did get frustrated when they would trample my flowers playing ball......Would I trade a few flowers for more time watching them play ball? You bet! xo Karen

  8. As usual, you've made me smile out loud, Anne! :)

    I can sure identify with your mention of gifting cologne. My dad's 'signature' fragrance was something called Royal Lyme. If I close my eyes and try really, really hard I swear I can still discern a faint whiff.

    Hubby is loyal to Pierre Cardin, but darn it's getting hard to find. Come to think of it, I wonder why so many people (men and women) have stopped wearing cologne?

    Have a great week!

  9. What an interesting quote from Thomas Jefferson! I think it is probably impossible to legislate dietary intake! Although I admit I could use a little help with some of the choices I make!

  10. Great post. Sorry I didn't come by sooner. Lover your D post too!
    Have a great week. See you tomorrow?

  11. How true is the quote of government! I like dance as an art - to watch like classical ballet or jazz (but not do myself:) ) Thanks for connecting earlier this week!

  12. Lots of interesting info about Denver. Enjoying your shots as well.
