
Monday, June 23, 2014

Love is.../Blue Monday

Ah, this is the good stuff! I know I have told you before, but I have always loved Love is.... by the late Kim Casali and written and drawn by Bill Asprey. When I was dating my hubby and later when we were married and "newlyweds" I would cut these out of the daily newspaper and give them to him. Later on I pasted them on little scraps of construction paper and we still have them, all of them! This one is especially sweet for me! I love dancing and when I met my honey we danced up a storm! He didn't seem to enjoy as much as me these days but last weekend we stayed up way too late listening to oldies. We went to bed after 1:30 in the morning and that is  a record for us these days! We listened to lots of great oldies like the Bee Gees, Bread with David Gates and Gordon Lightfoot. My dream is to take some professional dance lessons with my honey but I am having trouble moving him in that direction! Laugh out loud! Our middle daughter loves country dancing and she is quite good. We plan to surprise her and go watch her dance on her birthday! She has met some wonderful dance partners and is as excited as a small child learning lots of new moves on the dance floor!
What a great thought! I believe we all need to be told we are awesome! It makes you feel good to hear something like this! I have another beautiful thought and it hangs in our Master bathroom. It says "Be your own kind of wonderful!" Do you know the song "Some Kind of Wonderful"?  A few years ago my oldest daughter gave me a musical birthday card that plays that song! Sometime I just need a lift so I listen to it! I love that card and that song!
Oh this verse from Scripture has given me comfort and peace many many times. It is beautiful in blue.
There are days that are not great and there are days that are awful!  These words have made me feel better many days. Instead of feeling blue!

Now please visit Marydon at Face Book (MD Middaugh) and share some Love is...favorites with her there. Then hop over to Sally's and share your favorite blues!


  1. Hello Anne,

    Johnny and I used to dance, but these days, I no longer can. However, we still listen to the "oldie goldies" whenever we're in the car as we have that radio station. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. My husband and I didn't actually dance much when dating, but for quite a few years now we have done couples dancing every week, it is the highlight of my week. You might check out Israeli folk dancing, contra dancing, and other dancing online where you live and you might find some.

    Comforting scripture posters, we can all use a little encouragement in the Word.

  3. Such a sweet and touching post.
    hugs, bj

  4. Very sweet. Old times are back.

  5. Yes, I too love to dance, but I am very bad dancer!

  6. Satchel Paige once said, “Dance like nobody's watching." Last Saturday we attended a Willie Nelson & Family concert. If Willie is still on the road at 80, there is no reason for us to stop dancing.

  7. Love the quotes and the verses. I have two left feet but I appreciate the art and enjoy watching it.

  8. I love the oldies and we have a radio station that gives them all day. I once in a while I dance on that music and sometimes even I get my DH so far to dance with me. He is such a good dancer .
    Happy blue Monday

  9. Oh, I remember the 'Love is' quotes, too. Love all the oldies and find myself singing them during the day to myself, sometimes. My hubby and I were high school sweethearts and our 'dates' consisted of going to the school dances before we could drive. Those were wonderful days. Wish my hubby would take dance lessons with me - he is still stuck in the disco days. :) Lol! xo Karen

  10. That LOVE is.. is very cute.. Love it! Thanks for the visit.. :-)

  11. Hi! I also like American oldies very much. Thanks for sharing.

  12. How ironic that both of us posted about listening to "oldies"! I, too, loved listening to David Gates and Bread.

    Wish I wasn't so clumsy and self-conscious --and might yet learn to dance before kicking the bucket! It's fun that your kids get to witness the two of you kicking up your heels and having fun!
