
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Love is.../Blue Monday

Oh my goodness, I love all the Love is...I have and all the ones I find and share. This one says it all, it is the best place for us to be because it is budget friendly staying in and enjoying each others company. Watching football and the World Series. I'll just say anyone we were rooting for today, lost! Sigh...
This pretty blue chandelier hangs at the Mackinac Island Masco Cottage. Pretty isn't it?

The Esther Williams room is also located in the Grand Hotel at Mackinac Island. Pretty shares of blue, so calming and comfy looking.
Finally look at that blue water surrounding the lighthouse on Mackinac Island. I hope you will visit Sally and share some blues today. Maybe one of these I will visit Mackinac Island in the great state of Michigan and share my own photos with you.


  1. Hi Anne,

    Sorry your team lost.

    Thanks for being so faithful to Blue Monday, and for sharing your blue.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Oh we still believe our KC Royals will come out on top, and I watched it with my hubby last night.

  3. I really want to go to Mackinac Island one day, just have to get hubby on board with the idea. Love that chandelier with blue in it. Beautiful!
    Joy @ Books and Life

  4. You shared some very nice blues today. The water in the last shot is a royal blue to me. Trust you and family are doing okay.

  5. That water around Mackinac Island is so pretty!!!
    I've been in love with that Grand Hotel since it was featured in that sweet movie Somewhere in Time!

  6. Goodness, I've had a lot of catching up to do here. I just love that blue chandelier. The island looks like a beautiful place to visit.

    As for the snow and hail, you folks can keep that out there for now. I'm just not ready for it. I do love that blue sky photo though. It is awesome!

    I thoroughly agree with you about the cancer treatments and the fact that they are not always used to help us older folks. Especially these days. I've lost some very dear folks to this nasty disease, and one SIL is still battling with it. Thank goodness, she is a few years younger and is able to benefit by the new treatments.

    Thank you so much for the chuckle I got from seeing that old and wrinkly bff image. That is just so true!

    Now I'm off to catch up on more of my blog reading. My friend Wayne has fixed the problem on my laptop and I'm having a grand time getting caught up on everything. You have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. Love the blues, especially the blue water in the last picture:) Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend, HUGS!

  8. I hope you get to "mack-in-awe" island someday! I just know you would love the place!!

  9. Definitely want to make it to Mackinac Island. High on my "to-visit" list. Have a great day!
