
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"V", "W", "X"

I think my last post was a combined Alphabe Thursday post too. Life moves so quickly, I just hate having it slip away so I try to make the most of every moment. Now it is difficult for me. I am getting older and people I work with are getting meaner. When I was a young woman, new in the work place I had the utmost respect for my co workers who were older than me! I was raised to be honest, have integrity and be respectful. Having spent all but my senior year of high school in the Catholic school system I learn their three "R's"- reading, rithmetic and respect. Even our children who attended the parochial schools learned these basics. I am often feeling "worrisome" at the workplace. Too old to find other work, to young to give up my four weeks of paid time off each year. I have always enjoyed the patients. So I hang in there.
I like these worrisome quotes. Good advice.
Victories! Woo Hoo! Nick was quite victorious on November 21, 2011. It was his senior year of high school, he was still recovering from the shingles and he went to the Nike Southwest XC and won the boys open meet. As long as I am alive, I will never forget every single moment of that hard earned race. My baby boy ran his heart out! He was drenched in sweat, hurting at the end and yet he says he only remembers the great feeling of winning! He had ran those races for 4 years in high school. It was a victory we were so proud of. The photographer who gave Nick her photo was one awesome lady! She took a perfect victory shot!
"X'citement is in the air! Next Friday, November 7th, my hubby and I will travel the roads to Kansas and watch Nick and his team mates run at Sterling College! for two reasons! The KCAC Cross Country Championships run at Sterling College in Sterling, Kansas.  Sweet Linda lives in Sterling and she and her phamily recently bought the local coffee shop. They are learning so much about their new business and witnessing and ministering to many. I am praying she will be there Saturday the 8th so we may stop in and say hello. My heart is full.

Now please visit Ms. Jenny and share some letters for fun!


  1. Hi Anne ~~ This is a really neat catch up piece. Too bad there are things for you to worry about, they sound pretty serious.

    Enjoy Kansas, say hello for me. It may be a while longer before we go through but haven't been to Nebraska to see cousins for a long time. We went several times a year when Dad was still living.
    My sister lives in Iowa but she comes here because her daughter and her family live here. "Got to keep up with the grandkids, see Jim while we're there."

  2. Sadly young people nowadays just have no concept of respect. I have this issue with my 19 year old and notice my kid is not the only one.

  3. Hang in there at work. A good job is a real blessing and maybe, hopefully things may change in the future...

  4. Lot of people have lost "humanity" as they become enamored with their tech toys. Not only does good spelling, grammar and politeness go by the wayside - the nastiness of "net" encourages "meaness" - in comments, reviews and just in general.

  5. How true that for every minute you're angry you lose 60 secs of happiness. Wise words!

  6. yea Nick! Hope he has a good run at school. Nice of you to go see him. Nice quotes. {:-Deb

  7. I can sure identify with what you're going through at work.... at my age, there are little alternatives, and my benefits package is pretty great. What dilemmas, eh?

    Have a GREAT time in Kansas!

  8. Good choice of quotes...have a great trip and all the best to you♪

  9. Your work sounds yuck! Love all your quotes and your quest for positivity :)
    Hope you are having a brilliant weekend.
    Wren x

  10. A couple of days ago I bought a sign in a local craft mall. It says, "Worry is a waste of the imagination." I kind of liked that one and thought I needed the reminder.

    Congratulations to your son. I hope his shingles will soon be gone forever. My son has had them twice.

    I'm afraid respect has almost become a thing of the past. Sad, but true.
