
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Happy New Year to all! I love these lil Love is...cartoons and this one was too cute to pass on! 2014 was an interesting year and I am praying that 2015 will be even better. I wish you good health and lots of blessings. If you are someplace where it is cold stay warm! I am already longing for Springtime!
My very favorite baseball quote.
Whether you like a little cheer cold or warm or hot enjoy this evening and please be safe.
Fitting Scripture for the New Year. I love reading the bible and plan to increase my time in the Word of God next year. I know we make lots of resolutions and rarely keep them but this one and more walking and running (if my knees hold up) will help pull me out of this funk I have been in.
I wish for more people to step forward and stop bullying. Having been bullied in the workplace, I know too well how it makes a person feel.
Kindness goes a long way. Something as simple as a smile, a pleasant word, a small gift, those are ways to share the kindness in your heart.
I will read more books this year. I love to read so it isn't difficult to pick up a book and start reading.

I wish you all a beautiful New Year. I hope you have many blessings and lots of good health. Now I am off to read a book!


  1. Sweet, sweet post, Anne!
    You've such a knack for choosing just the right quotes to emphasize what's in your heart. I appreciate you!

  2. Lots of truth and wisdom in this post! Thank you dear Anne! Have a Blessed and Happy New Year! HUGS!

  3. Wonderful post Anne!
    Best to you in the New Year!

  4. Happy New year to you and your family!
    Heres to another year of blogging and creative fun!

  5. We are all praying that 2015 is full of blessings, love, understanding, patience, caring, better leadership from Washington, less protests....2014 was good for us personally, but lots of room for improvement in other aspects...
    I hope your new year is one of the best.

  6. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. I've pretty much been surrounded by purple/lavender all my life and your bedroom growing up must have been very cozy in this colour.
    I hope 2015 holds much joy for you.

  7. Hugs, prayers and wishes for a great 2015. One of my goals is to read more in the new year, too.

  8. Happy New Year to you and yours... I hope that 2015 will bring you (and us) lots of joy, happiness and GOOD HEALTH....


  9. Wonderful, the quotes! Happy New Year to you and your too!

  10. Happy New Year from Pogo and me. I have a feeling that it will be a good year for all of us. Let's hope this comes true.

    My daughter Audrey cans all sorts of wonderful things. I just finished off a jar of cranapple butter that she made and it was just so yummy!!

    Now I'm off to see what sort of fun mischief that Pogo and I can get into this afternoon. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  11. Happy New Year!
    Wishing you good health, sweet memories made throughout the year and joy and peace!

  12. Happy New Year!!!

    I hope 2015 brings you a great job and Nick lots of race wins!
