
Monday, December 29, 2014

Love is.../Blue Monday

Love is...sweet! Now that I have been out of work for a while I like to have company in the evenings. Ah........
Kansas postcard with a pretty windmill. During our last visit to Kansas I missed 17 shots of windmills. Argh....So I bought this postcard and I like the blue/gray sky in the background.

My mother use to can applesauce and tomato sauce. I have never done any canning but have thought about it. At pinterest I found these pretty blueberries. The blog title is rural revolution and this blogger was canning blueberries. So pretty and the recipe was easy enough. Hmmm.....

We are dipping into the low single digits and the snow is brutal and cold and really not much fun at all. I had to share one more Love is... The lil cartoon gal has on a blue scarf. I wanted to share with Sally and all the Blue Crew.

Hope you liked my choice of blues today. Enjoy your week and if you are where it is cold and bitter outside stay warm and safe.


  1. Love blueberries. Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I put up blueberries this past Summer, there's so many things you can do with them, thanks for stopping by food blog

  3. Hello, Anne. Wishing you and yours a wonderful year ahead!
    Blueberries have always been my favourite - but they're just too expensive here. And they're frozen, too.

    In the Company of Me

  4. Hello, Anne. Wishing you and yours a wonderful year ahead!
    Blueberries have always been my favourite - but they're just too expensive here. And they're frozen, too.

    In the Company of Me

  5. Hi! The Kansas postcard is very lovely. The windmill looks very modern. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Delicious blueberries that rich! Beautiful photos!

  7. I hope you find some very enjoyable company! Perhaps some church covered dish dinners or something?

  8. You did well with your blues today. In fact, if you stood outside there long you could show yourself. Definitely would turn blue. Glad it is not that cold here. May your New Year be a blessed and healthy one.

  9. Love the windmill postcard! My Tiger loves blueberries! Wishing you a good week my friend.

  10. Hello Anne, Thank you for your kind words and visit. Sally is a dear person and I admit I am very worried about her. Prayers for healing is best right now. I believe in prayer.

    The blueberries look yummy. the only canning I have ever done is homemade preserves. I helped my sister can tomatoes but would never attempt it myself.

    Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy New Year.


  11. WONDERFUL POST!! Nothing in the world can compare to fresh blueberries.
    I wanted to stop by today to send along my best wished for you and your family in the year 2015. Happy New Year, and cheers.

  12. brrr! stay warm! and a very happy new year wished to you!

  13. Hi Anne,

    Sorry that it took me so long to comment, but I’m home from the hospital now and using a new laptop.

    Thanks for your good wishes.

    Stay warm!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  14. Hi Anne!

    Hi Anne!

    Hi, hi, hi!

    Not sure if this is your link the letter E but it was excellent!

    Looking forward to catching up with your blog.

    But thank you for linking!


    Happy New Year!


