
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Love is.../Blue Monday

The local Goodwill makes a nice display of sale items. I happened to be there when this blue thrifty display went up! A nice selection of blues to purchase at a great discount.

These Love is...went together nicely today. We missed two Sunday's of church services due to the weather. Today the sun came out and we enjoyed a wonderful service. We started a new series this week on relationships. The ministry staff did a phamily style skit which we watched because they had great fun making it and there were many smiles and good laughter. But on a serious note, relationships are hard. You have to work on them. I like the power of two but in our marriage we have to hold on to the power of three...husband,wife,and Christ as the center of our lives.

Ecclesiastes 4:12New American Standard Bible (NASB)

12 And if [a]one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.

Please join Sally and the Blues today.


  1. Yes, I agree...all our relationships have to be constantly worked...husband, kids, friends and most of all, God.

  2. Thanks bj always fun to visit with you! Hugs!

  3. Hi Anne,

    Beautifully stated! Johnny and I always give credit to Christ being the center of our home. It's worked for us! Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Nice and neat blue display -- our local Goodwill's displays are very chaotic!
    You are so right about the relationships in our lives :)

  5. Fabulous items in blue, very good!

  6. You are so right on your thoughts and comments. Have a good week and stay well.

  7. Goodwill is a great place to find all sorts of colorful items. You scored big on your blues!

    Watercolor Brush

  8. They've recently opened a Goodwill near us that's really opened my eyes. Such fun stuff!
    Sounds as if your pastor and his staff have a real knack for connecting to their congregation. I once heard, any part of learning that's paired with fun is more easily retained. And what better learning! :)

  9. Happy you could get out for Sunday service. The problem with most marriages today is they aren't a covenant with God. People just don't seem to take it seriously.
    did you friend Carolyn? I told her you might.

  10. Hey Anne, you won my giveaway:) Email your mailing address and I will send you gift soon! Thanks for following along on my daily journey! HUGS!

  11. Wow! Theresa that is awesome! I was feeling sad today! What a cheerful surprise. Hugs.
