
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sadness for My BoJon Heritage Phamily

Today was a really difficult day for me. I spent a lot of time in prayer and was thinking about so many folks that I know who have experienced loss recently. Loss is never easy. No matter, young or old, we are sad and we miss the person who has passed away. Larisa and Trace waited anxiously for their tiny boy Caleb and he was taken from them in a few short hours. Yankee great Yogi Berra passed away at age 90. He is sorely missed by so many  but he had lived a wonderful and full life. He was a New York Yankee. Quite an accomplishment in this old world. My nephew lost a high school friend this week . My nephew is 22. Today the good Lord took my cousin Sammy. He was a great guy, a fun kid growing up. He was 57 if my memory serves me right. I don't like to meddle in private business. Especially at a time when phamilies are hurting. My heart breaks for Beth. Although I have not had the opportunity to meet Sam's wife, she and I have had some great conversations. She was excited and enjoyed learning bits and pieces about our BoJon Heritage. Sam shared a great childhood story with me, telling me he remembered watching baseball with Grandma Kocman on Sunday afternoons and Grandpa Kocman making them root beer floats. He said he remembered so clearly how ill grandma really was.
I need to sort through photos but I do not have any recent ones of Sam. I can tell you this, he had a smile that lite up a room. Always so kind and funny too.

He loved auto racing and had raced cars himself. He was a good guy and loved his phamily dearly and he never forgot his BoJon heritage.
He served his country well. He and Beth lived in South Carolina. Although Sammy grew up in Pueblo, Colorado and Fulton, New York he never lost his love of phamily or his roots. His heritage was important and Beth was learning all about these wonderful BoJon stories from all of us.

My heart is aching for Beth and Sam's phamily tonight.  I know he is watching down on us and probably enjoying catching up with his folks, my folks, all the BoJon and Italian relatives gone before us and even smiling at some of the great racing legends who have left us too soon as well. I just hope he will tell Yogi Berra I said "Hi" too.

Loss is difficult, it is hard to understand. We spend so much time running away from those we should love first that often it is too late to say those final goodbyes or "I love you's". I am going to continue to pray. I pray for the hatred and bitterness many feel towards their phamilies. The difficulties, the regrets they will feel once it is too late to say "I am sorry". People think life will keep going. We live in such difficult times and I am giving my heart to God. I hope you will too.
Goodnight my dear hearts, until next time. Ms. Jenny my "S" post is quite sad today.


  1. Sad for the losses:( Praying for ALL of your Phamily! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS across the miles!

  2. Prayers for your phamily during this difficult time. ☺

  3. loss is so hard, sending a hug your way...

  4. May you emerge stronger and wiser. hugs and prayers for you
