
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Gunella Pass/Blue Monday/Love is.../Aw...Monday/

We took a quick road trip with Rebekah and Zach today and went to Gunella Pass (Thanks Mark Harvey III). We loved seeing so many of the beautiful Aspen trees turning gold. What a fun adventure.
Someone Sharpie'd their initials into one of the trees. So sweet and a beautiful view.

We enjoyed walking through an area of trees. Gosh the weather was picture perfect today.
A girl who loves her daddy.
I know Sally and the Blue Monday Crew will notice all the blues in these photos.
A sweet girl and her beau.
When we were married my mother gave us an iron. She had received it as a free gift at her bank. She gave it to us. HaHaHa! He did the ironing, I watched from the doorway. True story! I dislike ironing intensely. This Love is....has our names written all over it!
A FaceBook fine. I am laughing out loud at this one! Dogs are so trusting and cats are so bossy and arrogant. Look at the way that cat is sitting around demanding attention. Thanks to Sandee at Aw...Mondays for sharing with all of us each week. Makes my day S M I L E ! 


  1. Oh Anne, you're so lucky to witness the trees changing their clothes! I think it was supposed to be 105* today. (I sat under the air conditioner and pouted. LOL)

    I can't tell you the last time we had our ironing board put up. But my son's just like your hubby. He even presses his polo shirts the way his G'ma taught him.

  2. Hi Anne,

    Like you, I have never liked ironing; however, I've not had the pleasure of having Johnny iron! He could never get the hang of it, so I'm stuck. BUT, nowadays, I buy only wrinkle-free.

    Love your golden trees and all the pretty blues.

    Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  3. Good morning Anne, I do the ironing for sure but there isn't much to do.

    Your little trip looks like a great time with Rebekah and her beau. I love all of the photos. I especially had a good laugh at the animal pic. How true. LOL!!!

    Happy Blue Monday.

  4. You could write a love story with all the love in your life. I no longer iron anything. If you take it right of of the dryer, it is fine.

  5. What a great outing. I would have loved to tag along. We don't see a lot of autumn here. Live in a desert.

    I love the dog/cat analogy. It's spot on. Bless their hearts.

    Have a woof woof and purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

  6. Such happy pictures! Have a great Awww Monday!

  7. sounds like you had a cool road trip.

  8. Your little trip sounds like such fun. The photos are just beautiful. I'm so sorry for your losses, and will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    I just loved the dog/cat picture. Gosh, it is soooo true! We had a couple of stray cats come around last year, and we let them adopt us. Yes, I know, we are such a bunch of push-overs. One of the cats is such a "princess"! They are both a little snooty, but they love all the attention and petting we give them.

    My little Pogo came from a rescue shelter, and he just loves his "forever" home and all the folks here. Of course, he loves me best!!

    Today, and hopefully tomorrow, we are enjoying some fabulous weather. However, there is rain forecast for tomorrow night all the way through next Sunday. Yikes!

    Well, it's nitey nite time here. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

  9. This is such a wonderful post and your photos are beautiful! I laughed at the difference between cats and dogs, and it is so true! I have had cats most of my life and I have one now, a 2 year old male. Thank you so much for your visit and kind comment on my blog post today, and please know that you are welcome anytime! It would be an honour to have you. :) I make one post each day.

  10. It's really beautiful there! I love aspens!

  11. Wow tha Such pt does sound like a great trip.Such pretty scenery. Love the dog and cat's feeling. Cat just know that they are Gods. You all have a great Tuesday.

  12. Majestic trees.

    That dog cat meme always get me. :)
