
Friday, October 2, 2015

"T" is for Tea and Things and Pink Saturday with Breast Cancer Awareness

I love tea and all thing related to tea. Since I have been unemployed it has been tough, not being able to buy all the tea and such that I love. But I found a new tea today,
Elderberry wine is quite sweet and it is good, I purchased some last year while visiting Nick in Kansas. It was made locally and I always buy from small businesses. So when I found all the health benefits of the Elderberry tea I thought I need to get some of this.It is filled with many healing qualities and people often like to drink it when they feel a cold coming on or when they have a cold.
Here is another tea with some healing qualities. You can find lots of huckleberry items in Idaho and Montana. They love their huckleberries. I think I need some biscuits and Huckleberry Preserves. Sigh!

A perfectly beautiful pinterest find! Let's have a tea party.
A pretty image at google from a mismatched tea party. I imagine they were enjoying the Mad Hatter and Alice in Wonderland.

Silly rabbit and Alice watching that Mad Hatter. Alice has no hat. I will fix that!
Hats in boxes for all kinds of fun!
Berkley Hats wants to share in the tea party fun. Lots of styles and colors to choose.
An Autumn style pinterest find. So pretty and elegant for my tea party that you are invited to!

Some treats to enjoy! Now you just need to remember which tea is your favorite and do you prefer it hot or cold? Please join Ms. Jenny today and share your favorite "T" tyme treats too!

Then hop over to Beverly's and join October Breast Cancer Awareness month. I noticed lots of the teams were wearing their pinks to show support in the NFL. I found these eggs at the grocery store:
Aren't these Eggland's Best eggs just sweet with their tiny pink breast cancer ribbon showing support? Lots of wonderful survivors out there, Coni, who lost her dad Dave Sanders at the Columbine HS school shooting is one herself. She recently remarried and we are grateful she is here. She is a shining light in these dark times. My aunt Ang lost her battle in 2000 and my sister's friend Joan is kicking cancer's butt again having just completed her final round of radiation and chemo! Pray for all those effected by this awful disease. Remember, get your annual mammogram! Mine is due in December 2015. My maternal grandmother and two of my dad's sisters were survivors when they basically told you, ok, we cut off your boobs now go home and take care of your families! It is amazing they survived in the 1950's and 1960's because they did not have the treatment that is     available today.

"I'm happy to tell you that having been through surgery and chemotherapy and radiation, breast cancer is officially behind me. I feel absolutely great and I am raring to go."

 I am not a political person but this quote shows you  that this is a true statement:

And please always remember to:....


  1. I get my mammogram every single year. I do all the exams I'm supposed to do when I'm supposed to do them. Can't play around with cancer.

    I loved all the food. I'm not much of a tea drinker, but I love food and you have a lot of yummy looking food today.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Yes, I love the little stamp on the eggs! Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. That was a delightful tea party, thank you very much. Several years ago I bought a hatbox at a garage sale for a $1. I was very excited and happy because I always wanted a hatbox. It now holds some of my sewing stuff.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  4. I love ice tea, but never cared for hot tea. Tasted to much like medicine my mother gave me. Always enjoy visiting in your world.

  5. Beautiful teacups and yummy pastries!...Christine
