
Monday, November 23, 2015

Aw...Monday/Blue Monday/Love is.../Phamily

This is an older photo, we have new furniture now and of course, this one has a favorite spot on it too! I call him "Lazy Kitty" but he has gone through some name changes. When he was a kitten we assumed the owner of his mom was correct saying he was a girl. We named him Tiger Lily, as he has the coloring for a tiger and Lily was a sweet name! LOL! He was deemed a man cat by the vet! So he became Mr. Kitty because people called him various names like "Kitty", "Mickey" and our oldest son was still living at home and said call him "Mr. Kitty". He thinks he rules the world so be it, that is his name!
He was color coordinated with our summer comforter set. We have to throw a thin blanket on the bed because so many animals parade through that we don't want the good comforters to get ruined! He looked good with the peach pillow shams behind him.
He and Leo dislike each other intensely. He was staring down Leo. Since the dog is a giant crybaby when I am watching him he started to whimper and walked away. An 18 lb. kitty can rile a 75 lb. dog! It is funny.

Final cat photo. I know I mentioned the Secret Santa Exchange and this is another gift I received. I can not figure out who it is from but someone knows I love cats, teapots and needed a sweet cozy! This cat cozy fits purrrrrrfectly......on my elephant teapot Rebekah bought for me last year. No I am not a Republican, laugh out loud! Just a true animal lover. So much for those nasty "scam" scares that sent across the web about our gift exchange!
Rebekah and I saw this fellow at the Denver Zoo this past Thursday. He gave us the trunk up wave as we shot this photo. He loved Rebekah and walked back and forth in front of her until a group of screaming schoolkids ran up to the fence! Then he left for safer  shelter! Stop by Sandee and smile for a while! Say Aw...Monday!

I love these flowers, although they are silk, sitting in the baskets of this bicycle at the Denver Zoo. The blue ones are especially pretty. So tell Sally you saw them here along with these blue fish:
This guy had some huge toofers in his head! He might need braces! But he loved swimming in that crystal clear blue water!
This guy said "Tell Sally hello, cause we know she loves the blue fish!"
When I was a kid I loved the song "You Are My Sunshine" and I still love it today. These two are cute together. After the New Year you might want to check in to see if I am having a Love is....giveaway. There are some cute little books filled with these cartoon characters!
Nick and Hannah ran together at his pre school Field Day. Oh goodness, where did time go? Nick does not remember his hiking boots but he was still picking up the pace with them! I should have known then he was going to run many races in his life. Hannah was quiet and demure. Today she is bold and very beautiful. She teachs pre -schoolers so you have to be on your game or those little kiddos will take advantage of you! She has a good handle on her classroom and enjoys teaching these tots.

Noelle wore blue in this photo and she and Hannah are smiling in the sunshine!
Roxanne was still with us in 2011. She and Hannah were soulmates, I swear!

Nick (481) had his final XC race as a team member with these fantastic fellows. Coach Bailey (far right) really trained them up properly. He cares for the whole person and not those fast legs alone! Nick took 250 as an individual in the 8k hitting 27:23 as his time. He outran 75 other runners and out of 36 teams the KWU Coyotes took 33. You have to realize these guys ran against elite Division 1 schools. I love Nick's blue shoes.
These guys were honord to meet Reggie McAfee. Mr. McAfee was the first African American to break the 4 minute mile. What an honor each one had to meet this amazing man. You will still see blue in these photos too.

As I end this lengthy post please pray that Nick and Louis have safe travels as they leave Kansas and come home tomorrow.  Pray for my niece Jessica who lost  her Papaw this weekend. Pray for Baby Mayah as she continues to heal and get better each day.  Pray for our military who are away from their loved ones this holiday week and pray for our world, filled with so much sadness and violence. We need our leaders to come together and stop the violence and quit being so judgemental of some groups and letting violence  grow with others. Too much political correctness is destroying all of us.


  1. Awww on Mr. Kitty or Lazy Kitty. Too cute and yes a cat rules the dog any day of the week.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and Happy Thanksgiving. ☺

  2. Hi there,

    I am a new follower on your blog. I am looking
    forward to joining you and my other blog
    friends participating in "The Greatest Gift is Love"
    Blog Hop Giveaway. I know it is going to be fantastic.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  3. Hi Anne.

    I used to have two tiger-striped cats when I was growing up; we named them both Rusty.

    Blue flowers and a blue fish does the job for today. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Girl, you're going to turn me into a 'blue' lover yet! (It's the only hue on the color wheel of which I've never been fond.)

    That close-up of Mr. Kitty and that of him against the peach pillow are so cool! Maybe he's been emitting subliminal threatening messages to Leo that only animals understand? I'm sure it's a hoot watching them together!

    Continued prayers on Nick's behalf! ... Also for Jessica's peace of mind, and baby continued Mayah's strength.

  5. Dogs are my favorite but cats are starting to win in this house. Two to Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Joy @ Books and Life

  6. Your kitties are so darned cute, Anne! Great pictures of your family and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Keeping you in my prayers. xo Diana

  7. we are a "bi-petual" household but in our house the CAT rules!
    Love that kitty!!
    Happy Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Lovely and perfect photos, and the cats touched my heart especially. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  9. Mr Kitty is quite handsome. It's good to see he is enjoying a good life. I'm just stopping by to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving Day. Hugs, Edna B.
