
Friday, November 27, 2015

Warm Heart Wednesday

Many grateful moments this week and always something to warm the heart.
Michael is a crack up, he wanted to see what the dogs were up to! He is the most expressive little fellow. Love, love , love that we could all be together yesterday even if the winter weather kept us close to home. Nick enjoyed the snow because he has not seen any this year in Kansas.
Siblings all together on a cold and snowy Thanksgiving 2015.
This face is the reason why Michael has that expressive face too! Jayden was helping me decorate cupcakes with the horn of plenty (cornucopia) and some pilgrim hats. We never too a picture! But he decided to decorate one with a black olive and cherry tomato too. This child has a very creative heart.
Our Thanksgiving had a full house, the house was warm and the food delicious. Always fun to to enjoy phamily and especially fun to share with the little ones. Addy was here and we never got around to taking more photos. I am waiting for her to return this weekend so she can help me decorate more of those cupcakes. We choose names for the Secret Santa gift exchange and I am going to have fun shopping for my Secret Santa. Thanksgiving is a tie to reflect on the many blessings we have in our lives. These are some of mine and they warm my heart. Please visit Jenny and share your warm hearts there too.


  1. Hi Anne, it looks like you guys had a nice Thanksgiving. Probably similar to ours, we went to our daughter's, four minutes away. She, granddaughter KP, and SIL were also. Eighteen-year-old college freshman went to London, U.K, to visit old friends still there.
    Your cupcakes sound good, I would prefer traditional frosting on mine.


  2. That baby cracks me up! Just wait 'til he becomes mobile and those dogs need to watch out!
    Glad to hear your T'giving dinner was so pleasant ... AND you had snow. That was always my favorite part, tho' nowadays I'd probably fall on my *** and bite my tongue in two!

    Tom and I declined a last-minute (felt obligatory) invite from his son's in-laws and went to Black Angus. I wasn't in the mood for awkward, forced camaraderie, ya know? Anyway, he enjoyed a wonderful prime-rib and my salmon was one of the best I've had in years. Giving thanks, indeed!

  3. You certainly have a beautiful family. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. What a great Thanksgiving you all had. Excellent and the little ones are adorable. I think most of the holidays is about the little ones. The excitement they show. It's more than wonderful.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. I'm glad you had the family to warm you up on a cold Thanksgiving Day. Very nice post.

  6. Your photos are beautiful. It looks like a wonderful time!!! :)

  7. Family time is precious:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Nothing better than the family on Thanjsgiving!

  9. Thank you for sharing your sweet family photos. Sounds like a lovely time together!

  10. Thanks for sharing your delightful Thanksgiving Day. Ours was a sweet one, too. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  11. Oh Anne. That adorable picture of sweet Michael really warmed my heart.

    I am still smiling thinking of that cute expression.

    Thanks for sharing.


  12. Such cutie pies!!

    :) And just what were the dogs up to? :)
