
Friday, November 13, 2015

"Z"ipping Through Life/ Pink Saturday/Everyday Living

I am a bit tardy for the final installation of Alphabe Thursday and feeling a bit sad. But Ms. Jenny says Mr. Jenny told her to try a different something so she will be back. She has chronic pain and it makes her life unbearable some days and makes those of us who have been here with her sad.
I tried the bold letter Z so you would not soon forget this post. It seems we often "zip" through life. we get busy, we put things on the back burden and than things happen! So I am asking everyone to share a little slice of their life here with me. If you don't have a blog but Face Book please do this as well. Some of you I know personally, some of you I have met face to face  other I have not met but look forward to it hopefully one day soon! So I am updating my blog book and there is a reason behind it. Please answer these questions and you may e mail it to me here:

e mail:

I am changing my e mail one of these days and have another one so whichever you have you may use. I check them daily. Here is my request:

Subject: Blog and Face Book Updates Please

Hi! I am updating my “blog book” and Facebook Friends info. Would you please send me your info please.

1.        Tell me your address, phone number (if you please) and if you have a blog and/or Face Book page
2.       What is your birth month and day
3.       Favorite Color
4.        Coffee or Tea
5.       Favorite Flower
6.       Do you collect anything?
7.       Do you like to read?
8.       Do you write letters and/or cards the old fashioned way?
9.       Favorite Fragrance 
10.    10. Shower or Bath person?
11.    Beach or Mountains?
12.    Favorite Vacation Spot
13.    What is your dream destination for a vacation?
I am here:
Trying to change my e mail address so if you have the new one too either or will do!
My blog is Silly, I know, because you are here.
I hope you will answer these simple questions and return to me. Thank you

You can cut and paste to make this so easy!

It is always so sad when we lose someone who made us smile. Marilyn Ewing was one of those people. Marilyn, like me, was a Colorado native. She passed away in May, 2014. Her blog was here:Heart Song . I knew Marilyn through blogging and when Suzanne hosted the Secret Santa Soiree Marilyn was my "Secret Santa" one year. She sent me a wonderful package filled with all the things I loved and every night before I go to bed I drink my Sleepy Tea in the pretty tea mug she gave me. I never fail to think of her but I did not know about her untimely passing until I checked in at her blog today. You see, I had a wonderful handwritten book blog and in the past I have requested this type of info from folks. I had misplaced my blog book and although I did find out and came across the sad info about her passing, I decided I need to update all my blog friends as well as Face Book and otherwise. So anyone who wants to share with me please do. You mean the world to me. I tracked Marilyn's only child, her daughter at Face Book and am hopeful she will answer my request.

Here is my pretty tea mug. I know Marilyn is smiling down at us. She was very kind, musical and a quilter which is the reason she and Suzanne hit it off. I am the craft less one at most so I love hanging on to these talented folks. Rest in Peace sweet Marilyn.

I recently participated in a Secret Sister Gift Exchange.  People who know me really well will tell you I could care less what the two millionaires from California think! They are "snopes" and when people quote them as if they know everything, I chuckle!   Nosey roseys and rumor has it...ha! These two must have "Grinch Syndrome" because they announced it on the local news as well as a couple of the morning shows that this gift exchange was a scam! It was illegal! The post office would not look kindly on this! Oh phooey! Holy Baloney or as my favorite Christian cuss word says "Son of a Southern Baptist Preacher"! This gift exchange is totally legal. We are people who know each other and have other friends who won't know our gift recipients! We do this because we love having fun! The holiday season is quickly approaching and we all enjoy spreading a little joy. There are no illicit drugs or money laundering going on! If the post office doesn't like it, well we can use UPS or Fed Ex or better yet use Amazon Prime and your gift will go directly from the merchant to the gift recipient! A few people I know have received multiple gifts. Is that a real crime? My goodness, today is world Kindness Day and listening to the news you would never know it. So I suggest we pray and try to continue to spread a little sunshine. Besides the post office claims they are consistently in the R E D so aren't we helping them?

I received these cute two peas in a pod magnetic salt and pepper shaker set. It came all the way from New Jersey. I know the friend of the lady who sent this sweet gift to me.So if you want to do this please don't let negative people hold you back. Go for it! Have some fun and make someone else smile. Thank you EIleen! My newest Face Book friend!

As I mentioned earlier, we tend to "Z I P " through life. sometime we get too busy and miss some wonderful conversations, or moments with others. Take a breathe, smile and call someone you have been meaning to. Visit their blog, their Face Book page, invite them over for tea or coffee if you are nearby. Don't let life get too far away of you.
I hope you will visit Beverly and share some pink! Visit Ms. Jenny and share your Zzzzz's with her too. I will look forward to seeing you at Jenny's for something new and different next week. enjoy your weekend. Please remember that my giveaway is on til November 29th when we will draw a lucky winner. Leave your comment to be entered. Thank you.


  1. Hi Ann, this is a nice post. I hope you get to know your blogging and FB friends a lot better with your meme list. (It would be too long for me to make. Like I say in my profile, people should read up on what I write so they could know me better.)
    A secret pal exchange surely not send you to prison. We had one at the college and I participated, some of the guys did not. Really, it was a lady thing, but what the hay, I like doing it with them. Sort of like when I took typing withe the girls at high school. It paid off when I was in the Army.
    I will try out Jenny 's new deal. I hadn't run out of letter things but I am sure she would like a change of scenery.

  2. Thank you for reading my "Z" post and for leaving your nice comment.


  3. Anne,
    Pretty boxes!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  4. Wonderful post for Z ~ do keep in touch ~ and my full name is on my blog header ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. Coming by to say Happy Pinks...
    I have lost several blog friends since I started blogging in 2007...I didn't know your friend.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Hi...thanks for stopping by - - it is certainly sad to lose a blogging friend, I have lost a few, too. I'll be back!

  7. Such a lovely post! It is very difficult to lose a blogging friend. I have shed tears over the death of a couple of blog friends whom I had never spoken to on the phone or met in person. You really get to know someone through their blog and it is so hard when they are no longer there. Marilyn's blog was beautiful, and it seems like she had a great heart. Hugs.

  8. Sorry to hear of the loss of your blog friend. Today I went looking for a few of my older blog friends, and alas, they are not there any more. Life sends us so many curve balls and changes.

    I enjoyed your "Veterans" post. So many of my family and friends have served or are currently serving in various branches of the military. I am so very proud of all of them.

    Now I'm getting ready to curl up in my lounge chair and crochet a while and watch a bit of TV. You have a super evening, hugs, Edna B.
