
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Silly Sunday/Aw.....Monday/Blue Monday/Love is.../Maxine Cracks Me Up/

I forget Sandee celebrates Silly Sunday and I had a little story to share. My high school friend Yvonne has the best stuff she shares with me. So thank you to Yvonne. Here is my share:

The IRS had returned the Tax Return to a man in New Jersey after he apparently answered one of the questions incorrectly.
In response to the question, " Do you have anyone dependent on you? " the man wrote: "9.5 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crack heads, 3.4 million unemployable scroungers, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons plus 650 idiots in Washington.
The IRS stated that the answer he gave was unacceptable!
The man responded back, "Who did I leave out?"

Bonjour! How about this French kitty wearing a blue beret? I love how that beret brings out the eyes on this handsome French feline! Don't you just love his bowtie too? Je vous remercie!
One more kitty, because this all business kitty is in a blue room so both Sandee and Sally will like these shares today.
HaHaHa! I am not so agile on a bicycle these days. But we recycle so we try to be a bit green these days. I am a recycle fanatic! Thanks to Love is...for sharing going green.
I think Maxine has been spying on me! My nose has been running like mad! It is a good thing though, because at night, I get so congested. we finally put up a warm humidifier and it helps loosen those nasal passages so you can get a little relief. We are having Spring like weather but keep hearing the snow will return next week.


  1. Great joke about the IRS, lol! Awesome pics! Have a great week, Anne!....Christine

  2. Hi Anne. LOL about the IRS. Just trying to get a few 'catch up' visits in! Have a great Leap Year Day! xo Diana

  3. You share some of the best and different things. I love the kitties.

  4. Yvonne is spot on with her tax return. Unfortunately they will find more ways to get into our pockets.

    Love the kitties. I'm allergic, but if I wasn't I'd been the cat lady. Yes I would.

    Have a fabulous day Anne and I hope you and hubby are feeling better. ♥♥♥

  5. Sir Kitty is just adorable, love the blue beret. And the IRS joke is so on point, even if they rejected it. Have a supper week.

  6. Hi Anne,

    Swet kitty looks cute in his soft blue. Thanks for playing today.
    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

    Thanks for playing today.
    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  7. Your post has me smiling---great read for a gloomy Monday morning. We have heavy snow predicted for tomorrow so I need to do my errands now.

    I so appreciated your visit and I have to get on the ball with my own. Sounds like our husbands are twins separated at birth! You mentioned he has severe eczema. In my next post I'm going to write about what I learned when I met with a really brilliant dermatologist in the city. Granted I have some huge skin problems, some of the things the doctor has me doing and using might benefit your hubs.

    Thanks again for stopping, Anne!


  8. Hi Anne! I always love your comment on my blog - they make me smile, because you have such a warm down to earth way about you! Love these kitties:)

    Hope you'll join me in my new SEASONS meme - anything in the season goes - so you can just use one of these pics or one of your older ones for my linky list - open from Mon - Wed! Hope to see you there - have a great week!

  9. Bonjour! Love that French Kitty.
    Have a good week!

  10. We also try to put on glasses to our dogs. Hehe. So fun to see our pets try to look like humans. :)

    Hope spring won't give your nose a hard time.

  11. Thanks for the smiles Anne - I just wanted to stop by to wish you a blessed week! :-)
    Look forward to seeing you at this week's Friendship Friday party!
