
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Let's Start Over....Alphabe Day With A Warm Heart Wednesday

I was thinking of doing the alphabet thing each day and I just seem to not get to where I want to go! Dogs are underfoot, cats as crying, we want food, more fresh water! Meow Meow Meow! I need a vacation from all these pets! I am a very independent person so I like to get up and go and it is not always easy with this bunch of furry people hanging around me!
Now cats are another matter. More devious, more obsessed with their human! They want your full attention like a two year old, when they want it, and it is usually N O W !!!
Cats and bathing do not go hand in hand. I think they must be bathed shortly after their birth,otherwise, they will perform an exorcism on you!
My husband knows I have one Master. It is God, and he has never tried to hold me back or question me. OK, yeah, those credit cards, once and a while! I simply say,

" Oh that old thing, you were not paying attention to me when I was with you and purchased it! " I feel blessed to have my hubby. He is my Sweets, my favorite friend living on this earth,  Here he is with our middle daughter.

Someone had to fill that incredible void I had from losing my ultimate BFF my grandmother Cecilia Steblay. I miss her as if she went away to join heaven's saints yesterday. Not one day goes by that I do not think of her and love her dearly. I inherited her awful eye sight. Now you think God might have been a little nicer and jumped a generation to my mom, who had wonderful vision to the very end of her life. My grandma lost her sight due to a detached retina.  She was hanging  her laundry in this photo. My mom never wore glasses. Here she is with Noelle.

When my Sweets had his eye appointment to set up his surgery, for May , they were concerned about a detached retina too. Fortunately it turned out to be nothing but thankfully they feared the worst and it double checked.  When I had my eye exam a few weeks ago the doctor looked concerned as well. Fortunately for me, Fred, my annoying floating friend who hangs out in my left eye was laying low that day! He was butting into my beautiful photos of my eye on the computer screen! R U D E Fred! Did you ever see the movie, "Drop Dead Fred"?
It is a terribly silly movie that my kids loved when they were younger. Fred is the imaginary friend of a little girl who grows up to be a beautiful young lady. Problem with her life, she can not let go of Fred. So I thought Fred was a very appropriate name for my annoying floater. But the doctors assistant has to get the credit, she saw my fear and the fact that I wanted to burst into tears and said "Let's name it, how about Fred?" When his twin brother took up residence in my right eye I gave him the name of Frank!
I had been on a kick between red and purple glasses and picked out these, which vary from light blue with some brown in the frame.
I am a terrible selfie taker but these are my second pair in brown with pink sides. I really like them both and they have the transition lens to go from indoors to outdoors. Saves me having to slip sunglasses on and off.
I decided A is for awesome people! Of course I am talking about those of you that come over to visit me here but also the wonderful folks I have had the experience to deal with lately. The gentleman who let me cut into traffic so I would not still be sitting at the post office exit driveway last night! About 100 cars were getting ready to cruise through the green light and he motioned me in! Thanks stranger! Thanks to Ginger on KBCO 97.3 FM radio who played Purple Rain and made me cry along with her! She announced the passing of Prince today. He was suffering from the flu and continued touring but then had a relapse and passed away at his home earlier today. He was a talent and we seem to be losing so many talented musicians lately. Thanks to Robin and Dr. Geck for getting Rebekah in for an urgent dental appointment when she returns from Ireland this weekend. The doctor gave me his private number so she may call him and he can talk with her before the appointment. Thanks to the three cashiers and one manager at my favorite Walmart store who chatted with me in the early morning hours when their store wasn't terribly busy. Thanks to the cute lil gal at Chick Filet who took my order in the wind and cold because their speaker system was down and called me "Miss Anne" and told me to have a terrific day! To Bev at King Soopers for being a good friend and helping me check out in the serve yourself lanes when I have too many big ticket items! Thanks to the young man at King Soopers who has Down's Syndrome and grabs a cart for me and the cute lil gal with Down's at Sprouts who always carefully packs my groceries, mainly fruits and veggies and tells me to have a beautiful day! They make up for some of the meanies we deal with daily! When people are mean to me in traffic and want me to go faster than the speed limit, I crank up my radio and sing at the top of my lungs! They usually sped around me and for that I am grateful, because they are sitting on the side of  road getting a speeding ticket and I am not! Grateful to my niece Karla and her hubby Aaron for the soap and Doterra items to help heal my hubby from his bronchitis.
I am grateful for the awesome time Rebekah is having in Ireland. She said she was adopted by a couple from Massachusetts because she is traveling solo. Wish we were with her. Maybe next time! She is sharing this photo of the Cliffs of Moher. God is so good, He gives us so much natural beauty to enjoy. I have a warm heart today for these things and more. I pray and ask you to pray as well that Rebekah has a safe journey home again this weekend. I hope you will visit Jenny and share your warm hearts today too.


  1. What a beautiful thankful post. I love thankful posts.

    You and I have terrible eyesight it appears. Some days are better than other, but when they are bad they are bad.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. ♥♥♥

  2. You are definitely one of a kind. Not many as caring and loving as you. I am honored to have met you and the pleasure of spending sometime with you.

  3. you are precious, bless you dear

  4. It really was a surprise to hear of Prince's death. We've lost too many great musicians lately. I do hope you have a good weekend.

  5. Thank you for the reminder to pay attention to the good and not focus on the bad. There is so much more good in this world, but easy to forget sometimes. I pray your daughter has a safe trip home!

  6. Enjoy your new glasses, they look good on you. I try to keep more focus on the good around me. I am always so grateful for all the good people and things in my life. Every day here is a gift.

    Pogo and I just came back from doing errands, and we stopped at McDonalds for a burger on the way home. This is a special treat for Pogo. We're going outdoors soon for a walk around the yard.

    You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. This is a nice rambling journal type post, Anne. It brings some memories. Whe I was very young, young enough to ride in the package tray behind the seat of our Model A Ford, my BFF also was my grandmother. Somehow I outgrew her a little later, I hardly remember anything spectacular after age three, she was just there.
    Is tat a washing house behind her? We had one with our four room house but Mom wouldn't use it for that. We just stored junk there.
    Has your snow melted? Our waster is slowly going down. We did not flood although som are still flooded a few miles to the north.

  8. I cant even imagine trying to baptize a cat - what a hoot.
    Im blogging from Fill the cracks and Moondustwriter's Blog. Happy A to Zing!

  9. What a wonderful post. I enjoyed every inch of it. And by the way, I too have a Frank and a Fred. They are unwelcome guests, but I have learned to live with them.


  10. I reckon you could write forever and ever, your posts are just so full of life, it is always a pleasure to visit and just look at you in your new glasses, and the hats, wow and the $1000 win wow, wow!
    You have a lovely, gorgeous, bubbly week!
    Wren x
