
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bittersweet Memories Today

Today is a day filled with bittersweet memories. Although my sweet hubby celebrates another birthday and teases me and tells everyone he married an older woman, today we are equal in age!
Through the years, this man can make me laugh and some of the times we have shared together have been anything but laughable! His strong faith keeps him grounded and therefore keeps me happy as a lark  most days!
If I am going to be stuck in this world when times are difficult and worrisome I want to be stuck like glue with him!
Today is bittersweet for us because my hubby lost his mother ont his date six years ago. This photo is from 1960 on a phamily vacation to my late father-in-law's home state of Arkansas. Oh how my hubby looks like his dadd's twin and our youngest son Nick too! Good genetics!
My daddy Edward Joseph Kocman Sr. was born on this date in the year of Our Lord 1911. He started a chain for good BoJon's. Late cousin Audrey's hubby Chuck turns 81 today and cousin Kay Samples Elliott told me not only is her birthday today but my folks were godparents for her baptism. Thanks daddy, you were the best dad a girl could ask for in this world. Miss you so much.
I am unsure which one of these precious children happen to be my daddy but my grandparents had a wonderful phamily, although filled with much tragedy.
My dad in the top row middle celebrating his parents 60th wedding anniversary with all his siblings that survived. They LOVED their phamilies. I am ashamed so many  siblings are not so loving these days.

Dad you loved celebrating with phamily and cake and ice cream. You loved your little gifts of new cologne too.  Thirty one years gone and I feel like it was just yesterday. Miss you much.

A rose in heaven for Rita Blackwell Robinson my hubby's mom who he misses very much. Today has been six years that you left this earth to spend your days in heaven.

Love you Avery, you are my sunshine.

Thank you for letting me share my loves with you. Makes this BoJon girl happy. Visit Beverly and share some pink today.


  1. A huge happy birthday to your husband.

    Lots of bittersweet isn't there. We you get our ages there are so many that are no longer with us. I cherish those folks too.

    Have a blessed day my friend. ♥♥♥

  2. ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear George,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

  3. you BOTH have your birthday today??? HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  4. So much happened on July 23rd in your family. Your husband's mother died on his birthday. That would make the day bittersweet. I was looking at some of my genealogy stuff and realized that my paternal grandmother was born and died on July 5th.

  5. Wonderful occasion for a special lady and her best fiend and hubby.

  6. Celebrations can be bittersweet but we must still celebrate. Our 50th Anniversary party was Friday and it was a huge celebration.

  7. You are blessed when you have a great family, as well as husband. Happy birthday to him!
    Am contacting the ones I haven't "seen" for a while to say that I moved blogs (I ran out of space).
    Now I am at artworksfromJeshStG (dot) wordpress (dot) com (no capitals needed!)
    A different theme, so changes again! When you arrive, go to the post SEASONS -Last of July 24-27. You will see a few lines. Click on "Continue" and the rest is the same!
    To comment is much easier -just scroll down to the bottom of the post!
    Hope you're having a great summer and hope to see you there very soon!
    Jesh StG~

  8. 'Beautiful family doll!!!

    Hey sweetie, I just wanted to thank your for the wonderful card. God always knows when we need a little lift doesn't He? It was most appreciated.

    I miss bloggin' and all the precious friends too but life has a way of consuming you and suckin' up all your time.

    Note on Angel. She and her mom suddenly moved to a different location. She was on land near our farm. One day the house was occupied and the next they were gone. She was doin' pretty well. She had some problems with balance, an eye that did not focus well and some fine dexterity problems due to the treatments for her brain cancer. She would be around 17 now but I don't see her anymore.

    You take care precious friend and have yourself one marvelous day!!!
