
Monday, July 18, 2016

Hummingbirds and Furry Phamily Friends

My youngest daughter Hannah is quite the talent! Her best buddy Nicole had a bachelor party and they did these awesome paintings! Hannah's friend Bonnie loves hummingbirds and she is thinking of giving her this artful beauty. I missed Blue Monday last week, in fact, I missed everything here last week. One of those weeks where you need to stop, reflect, chill and spend quality time with Handsome Happy Harrison! I thought Jeanne and the Blue Crew would enjoy seeing this painting with the pretty aqua blue background.
We keep hitting those 90's and the blue skies are gorgeous since most fires have been contained . It was a miserable few weeks. Saturday I joined my hubby to sort and deliver mail at his office. Once a month he gets awesome overtime to do this and I love helping him out. This crane was across the street from the Federal Building where the OKC Bombing Trial took place. Back then Jeremy worked a construction crew and they worked inside that building. It still saddens me to think of what happened and I do not like giving notoriety to any mass murderer. Our mainstream media glorify these people and never give the respect the victims are due. Sadness. Our world is madness.
Silly dogs. Smokey has a smile for the camera, Stella, not so much! That girl hates her picture taking! Must be something mysterious from her past. So I am joining Sandee and everyone at Aw...Monday. I wanted to capture my friend and neighbor Kodiak but once I hand over his daily treat, he retreats to the coolness of his house. That old fella is moving more slowly each day and his sight  is shot. Yet last Fall he took an adventure. He got out of the side gate at his house, and walked all the way to Aurora, Colorado. Now let me tell you, that is a long way away from here. Thankfully a good Samaritan found him and he returned home safely. I guess he felt a big adventure was needed in his golden years.
I found two cool and very blue water rafts for the pool for $1.50 a piece at Walmart. I love those bargains. The hubby and I enjoy a dip in the swimming pool. This Love is...shares our sentiments.
Maxine is keeping with my summer theme today. HaHaHa! Don't you just love those trunks her dog is sporting?
I love this image of sLOVEnia! My cousin Kay had the chance to visit last summer. I would love to visit too. But the state of our world is so uncertain. I pray more than I do most things. But a year ago I put up daily posts about my BoJon Heritage. My cousin Mike had started a blog several years early as a journal and journey for his kids and grandkids and nieces and nephews. Lost of things have happened in our old neighborhood and the EPA has started helping folks there. That is a long story for another time , but I still love the place I called home for so much of my life. A lifelong friend still has her mom living in their home behind my childhood home and she visits her mom as often as she can although these days, like me, Carol lives in Denver. I decided I need to revisit BoJon town and so during the month of August I am going to try to post each day. Now I have a  few days where Nick needs to get back to school and running and finish that degree but I want to keep my heritage alive for as long as I am able. So I hope you will come along for the ride.
I love this guy! Happy and Handsome Harrison James! I was blessed with his company all day on Friday. Momma and Daddy work for the same company and since they work different hours Daddy swung by with this handsome boy in tow and he spent his day with this grammie. He has a summer cold and so I kept that tissue box close. Nick and I both are struggling with summer cold. A neighbor has a huge cottonwood tree and that is lethal to me. I am so allergic to trees and that one is top of the list. This baby is growing so quickly and his cutie onesie said "Dude, your girlfriend keeps checking me out!" He loves being with this grammie and I am bittersweet about his journey at daycare but I do understand and he needs time with other kids his own age. I just cherish my time with him. You can never be sad when Harrison is around. He has the biggest smile and each time I see him he is doing something new.

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  1. Awww on the pups and Harrison too. Made me smile.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday Anne. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  2. That painting is so pretty! I bet they did them at "Painting With A Twist", I went to a painting party there and everyone paints the same thing while drinking wine :) It's a blast! catchatwithcarenandcody

  3. When very interesting when you share so much going on in your world.

  4. Hannah is quite the artist! I wish I could paint like that too.

    Kodiak had quite an adventure. Glad he made it home OK.

    Enjoy your time with Harrison. He's a cutie!

  5. What a pretty painting Hannah made. And Harrison is so cute. Looks like you are having a wonderful summer.

  6. It's such fun being with the grandson, i'll bet you wish you'd had him first!

  7. What a lovely painting, and your grandson is adorable!! Enjoy your time with him. Babies grow so fast. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. Sweet little one:). I know you enjoy his visits. Love that blue sky. I am not traveling out of this country either. I am steady praying for Peace. Have a blessed evening dear friend. Hugs.

  9. I gave my dad a hummingbird feeder for Christmas last year - and he was so thrilled when a couple of them started visiting the feeder regularly! They nested nearby.

    I finally posted something today. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Hugs. I love seeing your grands!! They are grand!
