
Thursday, November 9, 2017

11th Tea Cup/ Tea Mug Exchange

This is the gorgeous tea cup sent to me by Brenda J. from Marietta, Georgia. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful and delightful gift. Have you visited Beverly at Pink Saturday lately? You should. Lots of pink shares to see.
Here is the saucer. I love butterflies and I noticed this sweet little fluttering friend perched on the saucer. I will always remember Brenda by this beautiful gift. She also sent me the sweetest and most precious Tea Wallet. It was stitched by her hand and boy does it mean a lot to me! I find extreme value in treasures that someone hand crafts with their artistic hand.
This was so darling and made my heart smile. She stitched "2017" on the back and I carry this in my purse.
Brenda is a really bad influence. Do you see the Godiva chocolate? Cadbury chocolate? A tea spoon treasure. A journaling book. Oh Brenda, she was a first time participate with Stephanie and I have to say this Southern girl did a beautiful job making me happy! Don't forget the tea and tea biscuits too. She covered everything that makes tea a happy place! Thank you Brenda for each and every beautiful item.
Lovely Ms. Alena from Oregon gifted me the prettiest Currier and Ives Tea Mug. She said she fell in love with it when she found it. I was feeling a tad guilty because I love it as much as she did! I thin she might be one of those soul sisters we get to know in our lives. I will tell you, for a young lady  she chose some of the loveliest gifts for me. The book  The Excellent Wife, chocolate and tea and a beautiful book of verses. So perfect for me. I was over the moon with this package too. I really felt a connection with the four ladies I was involved with during the tea exchange. I was lucky enough to gift JoAnne in Texas a tea cup and Anna in Oregon a tea mug. I wish I had taken photos.
Here is my Currier and Ives Tea Mug from Alena. Isn't it just gorgeous? Thank you Alena.
This is the Tea Set I sent to Anna in Oregon. It included the mini teapot with a mug and lid and a cute teaspoon/teabag holder.
These are the other items I included. It was a fun experience. I think everyone involved in this exchange gave wonderful treasures. I am looking forward to the next week. Make sure you visit Stephanie's blog so you can see all the treasures. Have a great weekend.


  1. Hello Anne~ WOW!! Look at all that beauty. Both your tea cup and tea mug are absolutely gorgeous. That Currier and Ives tea mug is special in deed. I do not believe I have ever seen a tea mug so special.
    I'm sure you will enjoy shipping from that mug with pure delight.
    How beautiful was that little butterfly on the saucer, picked just for you, dear lady. :-)
    Those short bread cookies are my all time favorite! I too received those and boy they didn't last long at all. When I photographed my treasures the tin was already empty.
    I've read the book "The Excellent Wife" over and over again and gleaned much from the pages years ago.
    I was so blessed reading your post and seeing all the treasures that your ladies graced you with.


  2. Good morning, dearest Anne! I wam so happy you were able to join the exchange at the last minute {{smiles}} And oh, what beautiful treasures from both ladies.

    The tea cup is truly beautiful and the little butterfly is the icing on the cake :) I had to giggle about Brenda being a bad influence because of the chocolate. She certainly blessed you with an assortment of sweet treats.

    I absolutely LOVE the mug! What a charming cup to sip your tea or coffee out of.

    Thanks again, dear Anne. Some of us hope to get together for tea after the holidays...I hope you might be able to join us. Hugs to you!

  3. I love things that make my heart smile. Or make my heart happy. I use these phrases often.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Anne. ♥

  4. What a lovely packages! I especially like the pretty blue colour and writing on the teacup saucer, and the embroidered teabag wallet.

  5. What lovely treasures. I have never seen a Currier and Ives tea cup before. It's quite beautiful. Enjoy your teatime and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Edna B.

  6. Hi Anne,

    Oh, such wonderful treasures you received from lovely ladies! I can tell how much happiness they sent you! : - )

    Aren't these swaps such a blessing? I know I shall never miss a single one if I can help it! ♥

  7. Lots of wonderful goodies, the chocolate, yum. Such pretty mugs.

  8. It's so much fun to see what everyone has given and received! I am in love with that Currier & Ives tea mug!

  9. I'm late to come for a visit and I do apologize (but Santa seems to need a helping hand this time of year and I've been busy creating). The swap is such fun and so exciting to meet new friends (and visit everyone too).
