
Monday, November 6, 2017


I took this photo a few years ago with a wide lens because the momma goose was not a happy camper as I scampered by her brood. They are sure silly looking. Stop by Sandee's and say Aw....Mondays.
Here is a pinterest find and a black and white kitten in black and white. Everyone at Face Book was passing around doing a b/w photo, no people, no words. Not my style, laugh out loud, but I will share this sweetheart here too. Show this to Sandee and stop by for more !
Stop by Blue Monday and shares your blue today. It is really a blue Monday, cold and dreary. But I am busy indoors so I don't mind. Plus I have some yummy coconut Thai Chai tea. I'm happy today.

I am loving this tea. I don''t do a lot of caffeine. This is perfect and I like to make it with skim milk.
My hubby works so hard! He will be at his office today until nine o'clock tonight. He has a co worker that never uses her time off so unless she does by Dec 31 she will lose a ton of hours. He and Tony split the hours and the overtime is so helpful. Everyone at his office was making red or green chili today so he will not go hungry. He made a batch last night and put it in the crock pot to keep warm all day long. Love the newer settings on crock pots with the added "warming" setting, Love is...always makes me smile.
Ha Ha Ha! Ooh Maxine, your a bad influence. I found a bag of Mint Hershey's kisses. Must hide those from myself.
Sadness in our world. I keep trusting in my Savior. My favorite Target cashier lost her son, that she was shopping with, at the Thornton, Co. shooting on Halloween. he was 26 years old and the father of two with one on the way. Many shoppers were trapped inside the store. Their fire doors have an automatic 30 second timer on them to stop shoplifters. Merchandise, not lives is more important to billionaireWal-mart. Very tragic. I believe in 100 percent #nonotoriety  for these shooters, which shows me main stream media loves a good story nothing more. If they cared one bit about victims they would never show the shooters face. Nick's BFF made our local and national news. He is a young cop in our town and seeing him on T.V. sent chills down my spine. He is like my own child. Prayers please for all.
I miss the simplicity of life. Today it is so complicated and the more demands I see, the more tragedy seems to follow.
Thinking of my mom and dad today. Rebekah and Zach will be married Dec 2. Time is going by quickly. My mom's 16 year anniversary will be Nov 16. A bittersweet day for me. She was my lifeline when I needed to talk.
My mom was a woman of wisdom, she always told me, when life gets hard, pray harder. Have a beautiful day.
A surprise will be on the way to Diane once she sends me her mailing address. I will draw the other two winners before the end of next week. Congrats Diane! she was the first winner in my blog giveaway with Tea/Coffe favorites.

Still having blog woes at the other newer blog. Google and Blogger do not communicate. I can not see comments. No matter what I do the comments at My Tata's Cottage are gone. If you visit there please leave comments here. If you left a comment there for the giveaway let me know. Just send me an e mail or  leave all the info here :
1) Favorite Tea or Coffee?
2) Chocolate, do you love it, what kind?
3) Your favorite color

Just follow me at both blogs and leave comments here. Confusing, Just e mail me. I apology for the silliness of nerdie non techies like myself.


  1. Awww, the kitty is adorable. So very aww worthy.

    I'm so sorry about your friends son. There are too many horrible things happening of late. I'm not liking it at all. Sending prayers.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday, Anne. ♥

  2. I like the sound of Coconut Chai. I love coconut! Nice blog and such a genuine feel here. Thank you.

    Prayers, too. It is such a dangerous world. Hugs.

  3. Hi Anne - Nancy Link drew the black and white of Little Bit in 2015. It was the year Little Bit went to the bridge. She captured Little Bit perfectly. Nancy is a yacht club member and she and her husband train dogs. They are the dog whisperers. Nancy always says that we get the dog we deserve and she's right about that. ♥

  4. Babies just getting to their feet are rather funny, in every species.

    My heart aches for your friend who lost a son. She and his whole family will be in my prayers.

    Much strength to your wonderful husband in his overtime work!

  5. It's such a sad time for so many. I'm sorry to hear about this precious young man. And thanks for the sweet giveaway my friend. You are the best! Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. I'm sorry about your friend's loss of her son. Yes, life seems so much more complicated these days. We must hold onto God's love and try to share some light in this dark world.

  7. oh those cookies made us soooo hungry!! So nice to see you and soooo nice to stop by and see a cute kitty and COOKIES! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. I love the photos of the baby geese and the little black and while kitten. Animals are beautiful, no question about it! So sorry to hear about your friend. I agree, Walmart is only interested in the almighty dollar. Such a big change in them since Sam Walton passed on.

    You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
