
Friday, March 29, 2019


My favorite photo of my late sister Pat. She would have celebrated a birthday  March 27th. Her leaving this world too soon in 2001 is still hard for me to fathom. She was a wonderful person. A good daughter, sister, wife and mother. She was also a grandmother and if she could see her grand babies today and a great grand baby she would be so happy. Her great grand girl Paisley Joe is the spitting images of her. She would have loved that. Her grand daughter Racheile is another looker. A real beauty. My sister would flip to see herself in such a remarkable young woman.
My sister was a real hero to me. She could sew like a dream and she was funny and had a beautiful laugh. I will always miss her while I am here.
Outside her home in Radcliff, Kentucky. She had a green thumb and her yard was always so beautiful.
The loss of a child is devastating. Now I am no expert, but I have seen grief on faces of parents who have lost a child, including my own mother who suffered the loss of my sister before her own passing, 9 months later. But losing an unborn child hurts too. My baby girl Rachel was taken back in 1987 and I still miss her because I wonder what she would look like. What she would be doing with her life.
Our little girl went back to her heavenly home on March 27, 1987. It is a pain and grief you can never understand unless you yourself have felt this grief. I remember the kind souls who came forward and shared their own stories of loss with me. It was about the only comfort I had than.

Love is...has always given me joy and comfort. I love the little cartoons and miss the talented original writer and artist. She was amazing.
I thought I would smile today and share this silly cat photo with Feline Friday I have heard you can train a cat to use the toilet. HaHa! My big boy is too busy being dramatic when he needs a fresh drink of water from the faucet. This google image was a smile maker.
We are expecting snow. Supposedly heavy and wet.  Crazy weather but in Colorado no lack of moisture. My mountain friends have photos to prove they have been hit with lots of the white stuff this year.

Stop by Pink Saturday and share your pink too.


  1. You had two hard losses, and they will always be missed and remembered by you.

  2. I can't imagine losing a sibling or baby, but I'm sure it would be devastating. Big healing hug.

    I've never trained a kitty to use the potty, but I've heard you can.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. ♥

  3. Sometimes life seems too hard to bear. You are a much stronger person due to all your grief. Stay warm my friend. I could not live where you are. I do not understand this new way to link in, so guess I will have to give it up.

  4. Heartbreaking:( Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way! We never get over the loss of loved ones, we just learn to live with it.
