
Monday, April 1, 2019

Aw...Mondays and More

This cat thinks he is the Boss. His facial expressions are priceless. He would not stop moving that tail so I could zoom in and get a good shot. I love the coloring he has. Even if he is a royal pain. Stop by Aw....Mondays for some fun. The good Lord knows I need it on this Monday morning.

This was too cute not to share from a childhood friend Joe. He is struggling with health issues getting him down. Maybe you will send a few prayers his way.
I try to pray and remember this verse. I know I am not alone struggling with things weighing heavily on my mind.  RoseAnn is a high school friend. She lost her husband Jimmy this fall and today is his birthday. To add to that his BFF Passed away. She likes to believe they are sharing a birthday celebration together. I hope you pray for her today too.
This one is for Marsha. Struggling with health issues too. Life is not an easy process. I am praying for her today. Will you too?
Tea will usually brighten up any day. I am an herbal tea fan. Coffee makes me too jittery and I wonder how people who survive on it daily don't have that problem? There was a time I loved coffee too.
Noelle has a friend from Ireland, Mary. She makes the very best cup of tea ever! I think her secret is love and friendship. 
The hubby has been down and out too. He gets bronchitis every year and it is bad. This year it was not going away. Three trips to urgent care. He has his own nebulizer (thank you Lord). I think this stronger anti-biotic is helping him. Three days down and 7 to go. Prayers are welcome too.


  1. Awww on the kitty. So precious and aren't they always the boss? I thought so.

    I love the windows funny. I bet he feels like and idiot too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday, Ann. Big hug. ♥

  2. Your kitty is so funny! I've never been owned by a cat, but sure appreciate hearing of friends' cat's antics. (Probably, I'd be too intimidated by their attitudes - HA.) In spite of the fact I've never read Winnie the Pooh, his sayings and illustrations are some of my very favorite things. Today's is just perfect. Thank you for entrusting us to hold your friends in prayer!

  3. My word, Ann when it rains it pours at your place. Trut things take turn for the better soon.

  4. Adding my prayers and wishes for a happy spring! Can't wait to finally put my gloves away. Soon!

  5. Cute bight-eyed kitty! Prayers for all struggling with health issues, my family has them too. Love that window story:) too funny! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. That's a beautiful cat, and gingers are attention hounds.

    Praying for you, your husband, and your friends.
