
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Celebration Day

These two are celebrating three years of marriage today. April 30, 2016. What a beautiful day it was. A little snow and many wonderful memories.
Love is...always comes through with the best advice.
This was written on my parents marriage certificate. It is excellent advice.
One little....
Two little....
Three little......coming in September 2019!
Good advice for newly married couples. Marriage Box says it all. It has excellent advice.
Brittany and Jeremy. So glad these two found each other. So happy seeing their phamily blossom and grow. Like peas in a pod, they go together so well. Happy Anniversary to you both.

April 30, 2013 brought this little fellow into the world:
He came to live with us in June 2013. Buck Owens wrote a song called, I've Got A Tiger By The Tail. I think Buck wrote this song from Mr. Kitty also known as Tiger.
The little guy made fast friends with Roxanne, Hannah's little chihuahua. When she  became gravely ill, he never left her. When she passed away, he mourned the loss of his favorite friend. He has a kind heart.

Cats love sleeping and eating and running the house.
Birthday photo. I interrupted his beauty sleep. If looks could kill....he gave me a rather long yawn after this snapshot. So here is my Tuesday Show and Tail in honor of the good days when Angela hosted this fun meme.


  1. You have a lovely family, Anne. Always makes me smile.

    Have a blessed day, my friend. ♥

  2. What a lovely idea, a marriage box. I love the photos. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  3. What a sweet, sweet share. Has it really been 3 years? WOW. This is better than any Hallmark card you might buy and give them. Your lil' Denver Nugget is adorable!
