
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Aw....Mondays and Other Life Shares

Rose has a serious "catitude". She has those piercing green eyes and she is very independent. She suffers from what appears to be similar to sinus problems in humans. She hates for me to wipe her nose. But she gets disgusting "booger" nose and she also has a mean left hook! I Have to wipe her nose and run fast! Hard to do with my recent bum knee. She will allow Nick and Rebekah to wipe her nose without incident. Yet she knows when she needs a fresh cold drink of water I am her number one human. I thought I would share this photo of her for Aw....Mondays. Come join the fun.

Everyday has something to be grateful for. Albert Schweitzer was a smart man.
Lucia Vest and George O Blackwell, my hubby's maternal grandparents. They were so young and look at how spiffy they were dressed. I am trying to find information about Grandma Blackwell's infant sister who was born and passed away in the same year. Oh, it is such a sadness to me. How much suffering people did. Trying to make better lives for their further children.
This use to be a bar or tavern as they were called, when I was a kid. The Grove is off of Santa Fe in our hometown and this neighborhood lies close to the banks of the Arkansas River. At one time a girl I attended parochial school with had a grandmother who owned this tavern. The girl was Marty Servo, named after her father who was a prize boxer at one point in his life. I Need to make another road trip home so I could shot some photos of my childhood.
My Sweet's adored his mom. She was the cutest little girl, sharing her chair and a photo with her baby brother Bud.To see these photos makes us both happy. Sharing some of our history is quite exciting and learning so much.
Love is...once applied lasts a lifetime. Always enjoy sharing these sweet love notes.


  1. Hi Anne,

    Thank you for visiting my Blog. Wishing you happiness and joy always.

    God bless you and yours.

  2. Now that 'Grumpy Cat' has passed away, maybe Rose could step up to the plate? Aw, poor girl. I know how I feel when I get to feeling poorly … and she's no opposable thumbs with which to wipe. God bless Nick and Rebekah! Hope your knee feels better SOON!

  3. Awww on Rose. I had to chuckle with the nose thing. I'd run too.

    You have done so much work looking into your past. I always enjoy your posts about your family.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday. Big hug. ♥

  4. You are a cutie gal Rose, you look like you could be my sister Zoe's sister!

  5. What a character Rose is! I love the sparks today - very inspirational.

  6. Hi jumping over from visiting Sandee! Love the sweet furbabe pic. Isn't it fun learning about family members from our past. I love it. Great pics.
