
Tuesday, July 16, 2019


If this sweet baby doesn't make you  have a Happy Tuesday NOthing will. I found this a few years ago at Pinterest. I still love it.
Oh Maxine, you are confused! I love watching the stars and she is confused about stars in Hollywood. Boy, are we different!
Prayers for Tarrah, wife of grandson Andrew and their unborn son. They are trying to figure out what is going on with her. Trying to keep the baby from coming too early. I am praying doctors have the wisdom to find the solution to the problems she is having.
I love this google find. What a sweet baby. When it comes to them, my grandmother always said, God gives us what He thinks we need.  I love sweet babies,
It's suppose to be 100 tomorrow. So here is a cold and snowy Winter's Day. Reminding you that Winter is coming eventually so we can complain about the cold. I Use to dread getting out in the snow. Now I have the luxury of staying in my home. I am happy.
My cousin Dan on a cute pony. I was not born yet when there was a man walking through the streets taking photos of your child on this pony. I missed the good stuff but Tuesday Show and Tail didn't.


  1. Prayers for Tarrah and Andrew! I know they will all be just fine! Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  2. I'm catching up here again. I love all the photos. That photo of the snowy day was really refreshing. Just for the moment though. I'm not ready for snow yet. You stay cool and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Prayers for Tarrah. My granddaughter had some serious issues with the twins. We were on pins and needles for several months.

    Love all the funnies and I really love Maxine. She's so snarky.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  4. That napless one sure is cute and prayers to Tarrah from all of us too.

  5. The expressions on both of those babies -- and the captions -- are soooo good! Prayers to Tarrah and Andrew, and of course, their little son!
