
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Happy Tuesday and Tuesday Show and Tail

HaHaHa! It was ninety-five degrees today. a scorcher for me. But the hubby was off so he cooked up a huge pot of chili and it was such a nice change of pace. We have it during the cold wintry months. But it was nice today and he makes the best chili ever. Happy Tuesday is a time to share what makes you happy. I could make a list but I will choose the hubby's chili today.
Me after eating all the delicious chili. Snoopy can always bring a happy smile to your face. He is a classic.
Oh how I love silly humor. This was too cute not to share. On the same line as this images my favorite honeymoon joke is , "Lettuce alone!"
Oh my goodness, life is a circle. It goes round and round, This is an old photo of Brody. He was so small and always smiling. Now he is so big and talking and being such a good boy.
He is such a happy boy. It is nice to have some joy. This child is built to smile, he is designed to move quickly and his laugh is infectious and hardy. Love this boy.
This sweet girl Luna came to live with Brody and Addy and Brittany and Jeremy. Next month they will add one more child to their clan. This little pup loves the big dogs and she loves the kids. She is energetic and smart and sassy. A real cutie girl. She is my Tuesday Show and Tail. She was taking a short nap.
Maxine has lots to say on most subjects. I was looking for her punchline. She surprises me somedays.


  1. Oh, comfort food. I love comfort food.

    You and yours remain in my prayers.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hugs, honey. ♥

  2. What a doll boy! Is it my imagination, or does he favor his big sis?
    I've been thinking of chili, too. (And praying for cold weather.) Does Avery make his with or without beans? Tom's a "without" fellow, but I like it either way.
