
Friday, January 17, 2020

Friendly Fill-Ins and Feline Friday

 Friendly Fill-Ins
Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.
Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.
If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.
Here are this weeks questions:
1. I could not _____ without _________.
2. A simple pleasure I enjoy is ______.
3. If I could change one thing about myself, ______.
4. _________ is hard to find these days.

1. I could not live without my hubby and my phamily, or oxygen and water.
2. A simple pleasure I enjoy is reading a good book, especially on a cold, rainy or snowy day.
3. If I could change one thing about myself, I would love to live pain free.
4. Honesty and Kindness is hard to find these days.

Come say hello to Sandee at Feline Friday There is always a smile or two or more.
Simplicity is my favorite thing these days. I am not super crafty or artistic but I do smile when I see others who have these talents. I like a hot cup of tea in a pretty china cup and saucer. I like to weekends with my hubby and wishing you all a Good morning. Stop by and visit Pink Saturday


  1. Those were really good answers and I wish there was more kindness to be found too.

  2. Love all your answers and the kitties are adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  3. Ooooh, I like these questions! And your answers, too. Except -- maybe it's my computer -- part of your answers are cut off (on the right). #3, is that pain-something (free)? Me, too!

  4. Great post as ever! Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree that kindness and honesty are hard to find. Have a nice weekend! XO

  6. The kittens are adorable. For some reason, your post is cut off before the end of all the sentences. Or maybe it's my laptop. Either way, you have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
