
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Wordless Wednesday and Thankful Thursday

I am behind, my laptop was updating last night and I fell asleep. So I am really late. You know I am never wordless and I love the Hump Day memes. Hope it was a good one.Wordless Wednesday
This made me smile for Thankful Thursday. Be grateful in today. Tomorrow is a whole other day. Don't rush it.Thankful Thursday
Feline Friday is fun! I love this kitten, if this kitten had a thumb I think this tiny feline would enjoy the comfort of sucking it's thumb.
Pink Saturday Stop by and say hello to all these fine folks who host these memes each week. This one made me happy in pink because my hubby has the day off Monday for Martin Luther King Day and I am hoping he is better and not coughing so much so we can sleep in and enjoy the day. He has been working so hard and he hasn't felt well since New Year's. I am grateful he saw his Pulmonary doctor and has something to try to quiet that cough. Thanks for thinking of him.
I Like this quote and enjoyed this man's mission. He would be sad today to see how sad our world is and all the division in it. I think instead of pointing fingers at everyone,  we should try more kindness. It's funny how people who want everything to go their way think it is ok to be hateful and bully others and it goes round and round. This man gave his life so all mankind could be treated equal and our world has not done a great job. Anyway I like sharing MLK Jr.  I appreciate my husband's office giving them this holiday off because they work really hard and have so many projects going on. It is a nice break. I hope whether you work or stay home or have other plans, that you enjoy your weekend no matter the number of days you have off or not. Always be grateful for whatever you have.


  1. Girl, I am always behind:) Looks like you got caught up! Enjoy today dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Love that hump day and at wee kitty sweetie. I hope you have a most wonderful weekend!

  3. OOPS, I forgot to say Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. That adorable kitty meme just made my day! MLK was such a visionary, gone to soon. I suspect 'certain folks' who demand respect need a refresher course in what the good doctor tried to teach us.

  5. PS - (oops!) Soooo glad your hubby's pulmonology visit went well and (knock wood) he's on the road to recovery!

  6. I've been behind all day today. That's what happens when you can't log into your webpage and you have a morning appointment.

    Awww on the hump day shot. Cute. Love your thankful. A great one to be thankful for.

    Aw on the cute kitty for Feline Friday.

    Thank you for joining Wordless Wednesday and Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, honey. Big hug. ♥

  7. Better late than never. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. That little kitten is precious! I do hope your hubby is feeling better. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.
