
Monday, February 10, 2020

Aw....Mondays and More

The gang is all here for Valentine's Day fun! Rebekah was able to capture this cute shot of the crew. They wish you a beautiful week filled with love and some mischief. Stop by Aw.....Mondays and say hello.
This cool kid turned four today. It feels like yesterday that I saw him for the very first time when he was born. Oh how time flies. He is the original cheeseburger kid and if you have extra treats he will always be your friend. Happy Birthday my little love.
I am in the mood to spread love! We need to every single day but this week ends on a sweet note. Do you have Valentine's Day plans? The hubby and I always share a nice meal but we go before or after the crazy crowds. Love is...makes love sweet.
We love having fun and we think love is super sweet!
This kids have a fun mini vacation in West Virginia and visited a couple state parks. They make love look fun and of course, sweet.
They took lots of photos with their camera and their phones. This was a favorite for us. Babcock State Park. Those two kids have the sweetest relationship.

I am always searching my bible and I love this verse.
Humor always helps in case I was getting to mushy here! One of the sweetest mom's I Know is Samone. I met her through a mutual friend Lyndsee when they both did LuLaRoe. Samone and her hubby have triplets, two boys and one girl. They recently had a single baby girl. They have a cute little phamily although three times three can often lead to much laughter because three year olds do the craziest stuff! This made me laugh out loud and cry happy tears! I pray for this sweet phamily always and love to hear stories. If you think the sister in the middle of two brothers can't hold her own, hahaha! She sure can!
Enjoy your week!


  1. Awww, love does have four paws. So adorable.

    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Anne's Grandson,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Hubby and I are going to dinner on Saturday because we hate all the crowds on Valentine's Day. It's far more fun.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug honey. ♥

  2. Awww, so much cute and so much happy, we love it! Happy Birthday from all of us!

  3. SOOOO many cuties! Sharing the love, happy B'day and happy Valentine's Day! BIG HUGS!

  4. You grandson is adorable. Four is such a fun age, my great-niece Rylee turned 4 this past November.

  5. Oh my, what beautiful fur babies! And your grandson is really adorable. It's these little ones that keep us young. Those photos of you and hubby are awesome. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
