
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy Tuesday and Tuesday Show and Tails shares Happy Tuesday with us and I always remember the fun days of posting with Angela V. at Tuesday Show and Tails.
Oh Maxine......
This was a Cheech Marin post! Even an old stoner knows common sense isn't a free handout or even something you can buy. We need the patience of Job times ten million to muddle through social media nonsense. This humor was spot on.
 At social media someone attacked my granddaughter-in-law about why they have a go fund me account. Well she did not set it up. A very sweet lady who has a son who attends school with Jayden, their oldest boy did! The hatred is out of control. Instead of judging others get your soul in order. Stuff is happening quickly here in the USA. I am grateful to all who have donated to their fund. If you know anything about insurance, you will realize it is not free, it will leave you with a balance and having a child with medical in house bills since July 2019....need I say more? I prefer people to P R A Y for this sweet phamily. Thanks.
 This boy is a warrior! He fights like heck for his right to breathe.
 Greed and medicine do not mix. Yet is it everywhere. Enough said. I am late posting this. I had to rethink my thoughts. People are mean, please be kind.


  1. Aw, what great shots of a little one and a pup. So cute.

    Love all the funnies. Some are kind of sad too.

    Yes the hatred is awful. I'm so sick of how hateful many are.

    Prayers for the little one. Bless his heart.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  2. We love that pooch smooch and we sure hope the wee one is okay super soon.

  3. That 2 Timothy meme is chilling, for sure. I believe!
    SMH at people's hateful, judgmental words and actions. The enemy is real. Would you please PM me the link for Logan's go-fund-me page? {{{HUGS}}}
