
Friday, March 27, 2020


Happy birthday to my incredibly beautiful sister Pat. She left this life in 2001 too soon. But there is not a day that I do not think about her. Knowing she is enjoying her heavenly home with many loved ones who also went there.
Life on earth is difficult but I know sis you are enjoying the beauty of God and all his heavenly joys.
Although on this day 33 years ago our unborn daughter Rachel Lee slipped into paradise it left us broken and hurting. You will never find me on the pro abortion side. You have to had experienced this gut wrenching, wailing, madness yourself to understand the preciousness of a newborn life. Faith in God and a husband who never wavered pushed me back into the world of the living. Please always think before you speak especially when you agree with the left.

33 years later and all I think is one day I am planning to see you again on the other side of heaven, Many years ago I met a blogger from Australia and although we lost touch she walked to the shore near her home and wrote Rachel's name in the sand. It was comforting simply because of the bond we shared. Mother's without the baby we longed for in our arms. Wherever you may be today I hope you have experienced peace and love and a calm heart. my friend.
Rose would have made a wonderful mother. But considering the millions of beautiful felines who go out into the world without love we choose to spayed her. She lived a good life, but she would have been a good mother too. Missing you sweet Rose even with your catitude! You were simply you. Thank you for being here with us as long as you here. Please visit Feline Friday and share your favorite feline too.
Come visit Friendly Fill-Ins with  Ellen and Lorianne, Ellen choose the first two questions and Lorianne the second two.  Please join us here:

Here are this weeks questions:

1 My favorite outdoor activity is________________
2. One positive aspect of social isolation is ________________
3. It's fortunate that _______________
4. I Have _______________Memorized.

Here are my answers:

1. My favorite outdoor activity is walking at the open spaces and seeing all the wildlife on the water.
2. One positive aspect of social isolation is peacefulness and calm.
3. It's fortunate that we all love each other and enjoy being together.
4. I have  studied Ephesians 6:10-18 for 37 years well enough to have it memorized.

The Full Armor of God, it is a good thing to know in these troubling days head of us. is a quaint on line store where I have purchased many tea related items.  If you stop by Pink Saturday you can share most anything, even if it is not pink! Beverly has hosted for years and it is still a favorite topping place in blog world. This tea cup is cheerful, which is a good thing in our times of social distancing . Stay safe and healthy today and always. Thank you for stopping by.


  1. ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Pat in Heaven,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Aw on the kitties and I love your fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug honey. ♥

  2. Bittersweet, these anniversaries of your heart. You express yourself so beautifully, Anne. Thank you for making my today a better place, {{{HUGS}}}!

  3. What a nice post i liked the pics too 😻😻

    I liked your fillins especially 2 and 3 :-)

    Have an isolatedtastic weekend and stay safe :-)

  4. Gentle thoughts to you as you remember your sister, and the daughter you were never able to get to know.
    I also believe that one day we will be reunited with those we love and miss.

  5. Thoughtful and sad your post makes one think and treasure what we have had. Take care! Be well.

  6. Sending you hugs as you remember your sister, daughter and kitty. Such a sad date for you.
    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree it is peaceful not going out. Have a nice weekend and may your family stay healthy. XO

  7. You've had too much loss and it makes my heart hurt to thing of the loss of your baby and Sister Pat. Hugs from all of us.

  8. Heaven is full of loved ones, yours and mine! I am praying for you as you remember those you have lost. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Cherish your memories. Your Rose is so beautiful. Enjoy her and have a wonderful day, hugs, GEdna B.

  10. Ann,

    I understand your loss of a sibling. My brother passed away almost 14 years ago. It doesn't seem like that much time has gone by since he left us. I miscarried at 10 weeks with our three child. That was hard enough. I can't imagine those who lose a child after birth. One day, we'll be reunited with those we love who've gone on before. That's great comfort. Your response to #3 fits us. DH like each other quite a bit so spending all this time in isolation isn't a bad thing. :)
