
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday

My sweet cousin Mary shared this with me today. I am always thankful for humor especially in dire situations like the one we are stuck in right now. So please stop by Thankful Thursday. I am grateful and thankful for so much. I want us all to remain safe and healthy. I Know the world seems in chaos . I am staying close to home and praying and reading the bible and also catching up on many projects I have to finish.
I was thinking of Annie who shared positive and encouraging things with us. She is on a blog break so I am thinking of her today with this C.S. Lewis quote.
Difficulties call for powerful help. I spend my days in prayer and reading my bible. I Pray this virus runs it's course and leaves healing in it's place. I pray for a cure too. Pray for our medical personnel and all those essential workers who have to be on the job. I pray they remain safe including my husband and my grandson Colton. I pray our country comes together and we stop the hate. This is the time to join forces and be strong. Join me please.


  1. Love the funny and love the quote. Your prayers are mine as well.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug and lots of love. ♥

  2. Thank you for the chuckle and for the prayers. XO

  3. Thanks for the funnies, they were good ones. We pray this virus will get outta here super soon. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I love that C.S Lewis quote, SO TRUE! This is a time of healing for our Country, I am joining you in prayer of hope and good health.

  5. I'm praying for our families and country too. You be safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Aw, that first meme about the ketchup brought tears to my eyes. That was my dad's favorite joke to tell. Over and over (and over). Insert teen-Myra's eyeroll. :)
    Love that CS Lewis quote so much. I'd like to borrow it for my (as-yet-begun) memoirs.

