
Thursday, April 16, 2020


Holy Smokes! Beautiful kittens, I saw them at Pinterest.
Stop by Feline Friday Sandee is our hostess. She is the mostest!
Ellen and Lorianne host Friendly Fill-Ins. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne with the last two.  If you have any questions please check in with them. They are wonderful hostesses.

1) I can't wait for __________to open after the quarantine.

2)I am in no hurry for __________to open after the quarantine.

3) These days _________is my default mood.

4) Have I ever told you __________?

Here are my answers:

1)I can't wait for all the favorite restaurants to open after the quarantine.

2)I am in no hurry for everything to open after the quarantine. I do hope people will have learned something from all this and be kinder and more gentle.

3)These days , gratefulness is my default mood.

4)Have I ever told you how much I appreciate all of you?

Did you get your stimulus check? Did you ever dream the IRS would be so friendly as to send you money. HaHaHa This 2020 is going to go into the Guiness World Book of Records.
Pink clouds are unusually beautiful. Reminding me of cotton candy and years ago working at the Snow cone and Cotton Candy booth at the school bazaar when our kids attended Assumption Catholic School. We were rookies at first and they gave us the hardest job. We sold so much and all the cash we pulled in was so sweet and sticky that every single hour the cashier came over and took  it. My hubby went to work with carpel tunnel hand from turning the cotton candy inside the machine. We made friends with bees too! They sure love the sticky stuff.  It is a sweet memory and that is no pun.
How about a google image of the pink super moon? I seem to miss all the good showings. So stop by Pink Saturday and share your pinks and say hello to some friends, old and new. Beverly has hosted this meme for a long, long time.
Good words in troubling times.
This is a great one! People still working in banks will tell you, people are wearing their masks inside. Our bank and credit union use their drive through but if you make an appointments most banks and credit unions will have appointments available inside.

Note to self: make sure Anne you have completed your post before you post it!


  1. A basket full of cute kitties. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, honey. ♥

  2. Aww..a basket full of cuteness😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  3. I love that basket full of love! Hey, no questions and no answers works. Yes, that really is strange for the IRS!!! Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. A lovely basket full of kittens! That is a beautiful photo of the pink moon.

  5. Scratching my head, girlfriend … did Friday fill-ins step out for a smoke? (JK!) This image of the pink moon is soooo cool. Not sure if you saw it, but Tom was laughing at something on Facebook last night -- someone wrote, I got tired of looking for the pink moon so I drank some beer and stuck a piece of bologna on the window. :)))

  6. A basket full of fun! Have a lovely day!

  7. The kittens are darling. I agree about wearing your mask to the bank. These are strange times. Stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. Such cute kitties. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers.
    I hope everyone learned something from this too and they don't start running around non stop again. Hope you have a nice weekend. XO

  9. SO cute! That IRS one is pretty funny AND TRUE:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. I don't really go out to eat much, but now that I can't, it's all I want to do! LOL
    I'm with you on things reopening though...I have a feeling I might continue to avoid going out for a while even when things reopen.
    That pink moon photo is gorgeous!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets
