
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thankful Thursday and My BoJon Heritage

I need my hubby to dance more! This social distancing has been a little crazy. A few days ago I was listening to music. There was an old song on the radio, "Jessie's Girl". I was making pancakes so I was singing to Leo into my spatula. He wasn't sure if my singing and dancing were a result of losing my mind or the fact that I really love him! Poor pup! A Taylor Swift song "Mean" came on the next. Poor Leo. That canine has enough troubles with the puppies jumping on him, eating his food, running circles around him!
Do you notice his bodyguards? Lulu and Finn. He looks like he wants to say, really, are they ever going to give me a break? Hey Leo, join my club! Stop by and visit Thankful Thursday Brian is a great host and the felines will entertain you too. Thankful for all we do have during these difficult times. Especially each other.
Here is a verse to lean on during this shut down. I am so tired of the virus this and Bill Gates that. I lean on my faith and no one will change that. I love the Book of James. My dad read it and lived it.  I try, I really do.
Funny but not funny. If you know the story of Pharaoh you will understand this.
Lily of the Valley. Auntie Ang had it planted up close to the side of the house. It likes the shady days. So perfect, the little bell shaped buds. The scent is divine. Always reminds me of her and of course, Springtime.
Tacos! Yum!
Housecleaning is not my favorite thing. I Love laundry, I will even scrub the toilet and load and unload the dishwasher. But the rest of it, I wish my maid were here (hahaha).


  1. Yes! Less news, more music. We enjoyed your funnies too, they really were! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Soul-sista! I, too, would rather scrub toilets or do laundry than dust or vacuum. Especially vacuum!!!
    You've picked the cutest memes today. Tom's practically addicted to the Heath Klondike bars, but I'd give anything for an authentic taco and guac.

    Love imagining you singing to the spatula. Work it, girlfriend!

  3. I'm with you. I like doing the laundry. That's it! The photo of your doggies is adorable. You stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Love the first one the very best. Yes turn off the news and dance. You'll be far happier.

    I don't like any housework, but it needs doing.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  5. The news is too depressing to watch. I like your idea of dancing. I love the one about needing a week to prepare to vacuum :)
