
Monday, May 11, 2020

Aw.....Mondays and Much More

I borrowed this google image. These guys reside at the Denver Zoo. Some folks don't like zoos but I don't like wild animals being slaughtered for their tusks or whatever people murder them for in the wild. Elephants are so kind. They never forget. One of these guys suffered from anxiety and a volunteer last year on a visit there, told me, he banged his head against the wall and broke off one of his tusks. They see their parents murdered and really are no different from people. They do have feelings.  On a sweet note, did you know that elephants do not have bones or cartlidge in their trucks. Instead their trunks consist of 100,000 or more muscles. and ligaments that give them extreme flexibility. Boy I'd love that kind of flexibility. If you are older, you can understand that statement! Stop by Aw...Mondays and share some aw.....goodness!

Here's some lemon for your tea. Today is cold and dreary with rain. Love is...tells me exactly what I need today.  I am not sure if this one is an original from Kim Casali.  Her original work was in black and white sketches. But it is cute nonetheless.
When I was young, I Loved cowboy boots and owned one pair. I Know they are quite expensive and I know the ones I had were not cheap back in the 1970's. But I Love this statement. I am a boot person in the colder weather and I do love some wellies to muck around in when the weather is muddy. 

We need haircuts. Oh Lord I am headed toward Cousin
it from the Addams Family
Cousin It was shy now I know why!
Thankfulness for Blue Monday
That's my friend Anna. I won her Mother's Day giveaway and will get that super cute purse. It's funny I rarely win these days! Grateful for this little handbag.

Noelle and Roger keep me in Barbie's. So for Mother's Day 2020 here is Baseball Barbie.  Jeremy, Brittany and the kids gave me the neatest book and very cool pajamas. Ah......
We bought this book for Brittany and she bought it for her mom and me too. HaHaHa! My two sister and myself bought each other the exact same card one Mother's Day when my big sis was still on this earth. Good taste for certain.
Rebekah and Zach made a lovely Mother's Day dinner. Here were some yummy stuffed jalapenos wrapped in bacon.
It was a very good day.


  1. Awww, glad you had a Happy Mother's Day. The salons and barber shops will be allowed to open at 25% capacity here on Friday. It's going to be crazy trying to get an appointment.

    Have a great week!

  2. Awww, such a warm and wonderful post. You rock.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, Anne. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. I'm glad you had a lovely Mother's Day! I did, too!

  4. I'm glad your Mother's Day was a good one. Loved all of those funnies and we always did like Cousin It!!!

  5. Aw, I ADORE the way your phamily celebrates you! Yum on the stuffed jalapenos! Not sure I blogged about this, but I gotta share: A couple summers ago Tom and I tried making them in the toaster/broiler oven. Because I didn't want to heat up our house any more than was necessary, I suggested he take it outside -- atop the big BBQ grill and went to change into my nightie. Pretty soon I heard him yelling and looked outside to see the toaster oven had become tilted on the grill's lid and all this oooie-gooey cheese was running down the front and all over the cement. Of course, the girls wanted to investigate and I was frantic they'd get near the jalapeno ooze. :)

    That's such a sweet/sad story about elephants. I didn't know about their trunks and the one fellow with anxiety issues breaks my heart.

  6. I feel bad for elephants, they are such gentle creatures. I am glad you had a nice Mother's Day. I feel like cousin It too :) XO

  7. My older son gave me that same Midnight Moms Devotional. Great minds think alike! I do like elephants, they are wise animals with personalities. I am a long time member of African Wildlife Foundation which works to protect them.
