
Friday, July 10, 2020

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill Ins Plus Pink Saturday

I get too serious some days so here is silliness and humor feline style. Visit Feline Friday
Mister Kitty does this, you better not look at him either. He is busy sleeping most of the day away so he can annoy me at night.
Talk about a couple of twins. HaHaHa! Enjoy a fabulous fun weekend.
1. When this pandemic is over, I _____________.
2. I have zero interest in ____________________.
3. I always look forward to ___________________.
4. ___________is the bane of my existence.

Thank both Ellen and Lorianne for sharing their thoughts with these questions. It is fun to answer them and fun to read other participates answers.

My answers:

1. When this pandemic is over, I will thank GOD for getting us through it. I am hopeful people will come to their senses and stop the hate and violence which is rampart today.

2. I have zero interest in militant and radical movements pretending to help certain classes of people.I will continue to trust GOD as He has never let me know.

3. I always look forward to seeing my loved ones. We are celebrating my hubby and his sisters birthdays with a brunch next weekend. It is fun to see eveyrone and gather together to enjoy good food and conversation.

4. Technology is the bane of my existence. People are so dependent on computers and phones that someday we will lose our power grid and life will be hard for those dependent on it. I grew up doing this the old fashioned way, when folks knew how to actually write not print their own name and had to depend on their brain to figure lots of things out.
Pinterest had some pretty pink packages. Do you prefer to wrap gifts or put them in a colorful bag with tissue paper? Stop by Pink Saturday
We are having a birthday brunch for Lucy and my hubby Avery.  These siblings have birthdays three days apart. Lucy loves purple and lavender so I plan to get some pretty paper to wrap her gifts. As soon as hubby gets his 8 foot tall windmill completely assembled and set up I will snap a photo. He also got a beautiful windmill canvas from me. 


  1. Aw on the kitties. They don't want to be bothered do they. They can sure bother us in the night though. Bless their hearts.

    I love all your fill-ins. I fill the same way about all the idiots out in the street. This is a movement, but not what they are saying it is.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  2. Adorable post,made me smile!Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Those funnies are all super cute and we enjoyed your fill-in answers. Happy Birthday to your Hubby and to Lucy too.

  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you will get to spend some time with your family.
    I prefer gift bags because I am a lefty and cut crooked. Have a nice weekend. XO

  5. Happy Birthday to Avery and his sister. I just love the feline humor. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. That penguin kitty meme is a panic! :))) I'm loving these pretty pink packages ... but admit to being a bag lady. (LOL) Used to be a running joke, everyone knew which presents were from me on account it looked like a drunk 3 year-old had wrapped them.

    PS - Great fill-ins. #1? ... AMEN!!!

  7. Excellent answers and fun cat pics and many happy returns of the day to Avery.
