
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Feline Friday and Pink Saturday

 Feline Friday

There are no words when this guy is getting his rest. Oh the life he has! He looks so sweet. Do not allow him to fool you. He is a terror by nightfall. But his days are long and lazy. 

Friendly Fill In's 

Ellen and Lorianne co host this fun blog hop. Please come join the fun and answer their questions here:

1. I would like to see what books are on _________________'s shelf. (Thanks Melissa)

2. I adore ___________________.

3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to _________________.

4. When I failed to ________________, I _______________.

My answers:

1.I would like to see what books are on my local library's new section shelf.

2. I adore my grands, and great grands. They are the very best joy a person can have.

3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to sell out my loved ones.

4. When I failed to find a new job after my job loss in 2014, I made the very of it all, and will never regret all the joy I found. Money is certainly not everything in this life.

Pink Saturday

My husband isn't much of a pink guy, at least not when it comes to kitchens.  But if I could have a secret garden with a cottage I would add this pretty pink kitchen inside. A girl can always dream her dreams out loud .

I have gotten into the early morning rising due to my husband rolling out of the bed at 5 A.M. I am usually up between 5;30 and 6 to see him off to work.  Oh Maxine.....look at that beautiful sunrise behind you that you are missing! Now I can not promise I will do this when the snow starts flying!

I will love these until the end of time!

Pink Saturday

Rebekah talked Noelle and Zach into attending the Northglenn 70's, 80's and 90's Music night. She even made sure she and Noelle had the appropriate 1980's look! They had a fun night. 

Visit Beverly and all the Pinkies. is...always makes me smile!

Ooooh Maxine, were you peeking in my closet? hahaha...I am just getting my sweatshirts ready to roll for the cooler weather. Maxine invented comfort for all gals! 


  1. Such fun photos! Braless sweatshirts forever!

  2. How adorable is your Rebekah!
    As usual, I'm loving your Fill-in responses. (Did you know, today's Sunday Stealing comes from Friday Fill-in?)

    Anyway. My #1: The bookshelves at the home of my favorite author. (When they're not writing, who do they read?). #2: My fur babies, of course. #3. That's a toss-up between sky diving or bungee jumping. No way, Jose! #4: I couldn't top what you said: Money is definitely not the answer to happiness.

  3. He's a happy cat. It's amazing how independent they are.

    Love your fill-ins. I'm not surprised at all.

    Love that pink kitchen. I really love Maxine.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed day, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. OHHHHHH I love that pink kitchen. And laughing over Maxine. As always, I loveeeeeeeeee your photos of the family. smiles

  5. Such a cozy kitty! Those were really good fill-in answers too and a very cool pink kitchen!

  6. Mister Kitty is such a cutie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you have a wonderful week. XO

  7. You packed so much fun into one post! Hope you have a blessed week.
