
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Happy Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday

 I love these words. They make me happy when you understand that these words are so true. Everyone has a battle they are fighting and if you aren't you have previously. 


Dear Heavenly Father,

For all the children returning to school, send your Holy Spirit as their guide and protector.

Keep them free from danger and unnecessary harm. Put our sons and daughters in the right place, at the right time , to receive your grace.

Let them learn and grow strong. May the presence of your Spirit fill their hearts.

Help us to mature as parents and caregivers. 

We entrust our children to you, Dear God.  Since the beginning, they are yours to keep. 

In the name of the greatest son of all, Jesus Christ. 


With children going off to school, there is only one protection they need, Jesus Christ. Our grand girl Addy started high school, Harrison James went on to the first grade and Brody will head off to a second year of pre school after Labor Day. Hannah, my niece Jessica's oldest girl heads off to college and filling her dad's vacant home as her own. All my grands and great grands, I pray for their safety and their days to be filled with useful information. The homeschoolers I know will be front and center with our Lord and I pray for each and everyone of them by name each day. 

When did this small boy go from this (with Leo) to :

This?? Memories have overcome my mind. If he gets much taller, I am going to have to look up to him. 

Please pray and visit Happy Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday

School days, school days, good old golden rule days. 


  1. I love this first quote. The schoolkids need our prayers this year more than ever!

  2. That is a wonderful quote and we all pray for the students. Not far from here at all a young boy was hit by a car and is in ICU, so sad.

  3. Lots of prayers for our students, teachers, staff, and administrators. They need all the prayers they can get.

  4. I love this post. Prayers for all our precious babies going to school. They are our future.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed day and weekend, Anne. Love and hugs. ♥
