
Thursday, March 31, 2011


I had grand plans to write an upbeat and funny post today. I wanted to share an exceptionally wonderful "Y" post with you! I was going to go retro and do a post with our vintage yearbooks or find an unusual "Y" word. But then I decided I would write about you! All of you! The wonderful, down to earth people I know here and blog with. I was visiting Chastity at her newest blog and visiting Debbie and Chastity at their blog here. The tribute to their sister Shauna is exceptionally beautiful. Shauna lost her battle with cancer last week. She was so beautiful and young but the legacy she left will remain forever. I was thinking of the suffering this young wife, mom and sister endured and yet she never lost her smile. She was full of grace and faith and I spend my days praying for the family that she left behind. Life is never fair. It is unconditionally difficult most times like a balancing act on a tightrope. Yet we all muddle through it. Shauna went through life with such a passion for living and loving those closest to her. She had such a faith that I wish I could have sat and talked with her during her brief life. When I heard Shauna had cancer I started to pray but never underestimated  God because He had a different plan for Shauna. One perhaps none of us can understand right now. We all need to share a kind word with someone we meet. Smile at a stranger. Make an effort to be kind and polite. Let people see your soft side. Let's honor the memory of Shauna with kindness. Let's spread it everywhere we go. Let's remember this extraordinary young woman. She was a rare gem in this old world.
I hope you join Jenny and all the other participates of Alphabe Thursday.
I am going to leave you this evening with some quotes I enjoy:

Life be not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A life without cause is a life without effect.  ~Barbarella
Love is a symbol of eternity.  It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.  ~Author Unknown
Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together. Woodrow Wilson
In time of test, family is best.  ~Burmese Proverb

Monday, March 28, 2011


I had a neat post to put up for the Tuesday Show and Tail but blogger was not allowing me to upload my pictures! So I enlisted the aid of google images and found some folks who look like their pets! I think these photos are terrific!  I am particularly fond of the Gene Simmons and Cat photo! Ha Ha Ha!
Now please come join Angela for this fun meme. I love seeing all the great animals. pets and such that people come up with! This is so much fun and it will certainly put a big smile on your face!

Note: Please pray today for baby Ellianna, her button is on my sidebar. Remember this verse while praying. "I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord." 1 Samuel 1:27-28

You may read her story at Linda's

Sunday, March 27, 2011


There is something about silliness that just makes me smile! My Sweets is the silliest guy! He can make the weirdest jokes and The Middle and her sister The Who girl get him! The rest of us, not so much! But he can get plenty silly with mr and we spend a lot of time laughing. It is good medicine and keeps us sane in this wild world.
I hope everyone can join this fun meme. Stop by Marydon and Sherry and please join this fun.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


"We are not, as so many, peddling the Word of God." 2 Corinthians 2:17

Perhaps you have heard this story before but I want to share it here because it represents this verse from the Scriptures so well. On one of his voyages Christopher Columbus found that his crew's food supply had dwindled so much that if not soon replenished they would starve. While anchored off the coast of Jamaica he found the natives grateful to give them food. But as time went by they were not so eager to hand over their food supply. They crew began to starve. Columbus was a wise man and he read in astronomy books that a lunar eclipse would soon occur.  He called the islanders together and told them that God was angry with them for with holding food. He said God would blot out the moon. They laughed at first until seeing the moon sink back into darkness. The islanders quickly brought food. Columbus told them he would pray and God would bring back the moon.
We can all relate to Columbus. Sometime a situation makes us want to back others into a corner. But like Columbus, we should never be self serving.
We need to always pray that the Holy Spirit guides us and keeps us from situations such as this. We must never use God to get our way.
We must yield our hearts to God and listen to Him. We must use His word to help prepare others for everlasting life. But we can not use God to further our own gain.
Please thank Ginger and Charlotte for hosting Spiritual Sunday and  join us each week for some wonderful encouragement and spiritual soul feeding.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pink Saturday And Meeting A Tea Time Blogger

I had a wonderful day until I tried to import my pictures to my laptop! Half of them would not load! Argh....
I had a beautiful time with my Sweets, our youngest son and the grandson. We both took the day off so we could spend it with the guys. We drove to Colorado Springs and into Old Colorado City. Anyone here who knows Bernideen knows that she is the owner of the sweetest tea shop. I kicked myself all the way back to the car because I left my camera and phone (with a camera). Bernideen is a super nice lady and she has a beautiful shop. I will go back with my daughters and minus my Sweets because I will be able to shop guilt free! Hee Hee!
Go to her shop here. I am cheating today but you can see lots of pretty pinks at her shop. I am so bummed I forgot the camera(s), I also had a fantastic picture of a stained glass window at Fargo's Pizza. Unfortunately their website is currently under construction but I found a pink stained glass image on google. Once Fargo's website is up and running check it out. The ambiance there is terrific and as a Colorado native I love their thin crust pizza.
Here is that google image and stop by Beverly's place and wish her a great Pink Saturday because she hosts this fun weekly meme.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for Spring." Rogers Hornsby

I have a great picture I shot of the Coors Field park where my Rockies play ball. But blogger isn't letting me post it so I hope you like the quote.

Sweets and I spend a lot of time in the Spring/Summer/Fall watching these guys play ball! My late father loved it and I came out of the womb yelling "Play ball!"

So here are some google images of my Rockies home field and I hope you like my quote. I think about it  alot in the winter.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"X" Is For The Xhosa People

I have been away from this fun meme too long! I thought of catching up all the letters I missed but today I will do my required "X" post! This is a tough letter to post about. I could cheat and do something "X"citing or "X"traordinary but I found a great X post. Here goes...
At the time of the white settlement of the Cape, the Xhosa people were living fr island, in the area between Bushman's River and the Kei River. Since around 1770, they have been confronted with the Trek Boers who approached from the West. Both the Boersa nd the Xhosas were stock-farmers. The competition for grazing land led first to quarrels between the two groups and eventually led to a number of wars.

The politics of  the colonial government attempted to enforce the separation of black and white settlement  areas of the of the Fish River as the border. The more the colony developed into a modern state with a strong military organization, the more the whites tended towards a policy of land annexing and subjugation of the black population. In the middle of the 19th century , all the land formerly inhabited by the Xhosas was in the hands of the white settlers.
With the founding of the South African Union in 1910, the British colony and the independent Boer Republics were united. A modern democratic state was formed in which only the white population could execute the right to vote.
The black people were subjected  to a policy of  concealed expatriation,  Through the Native-Land Law of 1913 , first 7.5  per cent  and later 13 percent  of the land in South Africa was declared reservations for blacks. No white person was allowed to buy land there and visa versa, no black person was allowed to buy land in the remaining 87 percent  of the territory of  the Union. So the  foundation of the disastrous policy of Apartheid was laid.  In the sixties the black areas were declared autonomous Homelands.  For the Xhosa people  these were the homelands of  Ciskei and  Transkei. Only after the first free elections in South Africa in 1994 was the Homeland policy abolished , after which the areas were integrated into the new provinces.
I am showing you a few google images of an Xhosa hut and the top photo of the Xhosa people in the Eastern Cape.
I hope you enjoyed a little history lesson and you stop by Jenny's and say hello. Make sure to visit at least ten participates. Have a great evening.


"Oh, give thanks to the Lord!" 1 Chronicles 16:8

We bought a newer car last night! As usual, the wheeling and dealing with Planet Hyundai was a breeze. No hassle purchasing. We were able to get a 2008 Kia Optima. I was shooting some photos but my internal memory is full so no time to sort through that!

I stopped over to thank everyone who prayerd for us. God is good, He is so very good.

This is just my tribute to thank Him today. He is very gracious and I am beginning to understand why He allows the rug to get pulled from underneath my feet some days!

Here is a google image of our sweet new ride!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pets: Friends We Will Always Love

I was checking some blogs tonight and chuckling at some of the cute stories about pets I was seeing. Then I started to think about Tinkerbell. That sweet little "Tink" will be gone a whole year on May 26th. It made me sad and I know that Springtime is always tough for me. My late sisters birthday (March27), the day they also told me my unborn daughter was gone. My late niece Sarah's birthday, the loss of my dad on Good Friday 1985. But when I see the plants start to peek through the soil and when I read stories of the love of other peoples pets I start to smile. So I was going to share a favorite story of one of our pets  here.

This is Spats. He was my Sweets favorite pet. This little fellow lived on Grandma and Grandpa Balckwell's farm. His mother had been a show dog and she retired to the farm . She had a tryst with an unsavory character and produced Spats and his brother. He had some sisters but they all died at birth and his brother "Bubba" lived a short life. This sweet part black lab lived 4 months shy of 17! He was an incredible friend to the entire phamily and when grandpa B gave him to my Sweets it was heaven. We were newly married and I must tell you this dog rode shotgun while I sat behind him! This is my favorite photo of him. He was a tried and true Denver Bronco fan and he passed away after they won their first Super Bowl! He was very kind to the children when they were small and he was always just a terrific pal to hang out with. We still miss him terribly after all these years. He was a joy to know.
Angela is our hostess with the mostest for Tuesday Show and Tail. Please come join the fun.

PSALM 50:1

"The Mighty One, God the Lord,
Speaks and summons the earth
from the rising of the sun to where it sets."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love is....

 "Be very careful if you make a woman
cry, because God counts her tears. The woman
came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be
walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but
from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be
protected, and next to the heart to be loved."

This quote is suppose to be from the Hebrew Talmud. I think it is very lovely and goes well with my Love is... today.
I hope you like it here and you will join us soon to share your own favorite Love is... quotes. It is amazing that everyone has so many different ones. Come join us today.
Rita at

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall have their fill
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God
Blessed are they that suffer persecution, for justice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Matthew 5:3-10 The Eight Beatitudes

I want to share this Scripture today. I want to dedicate it to the people of Japan. Somehow they will see this disaster through. Let us all join together and pray.

Please join Charlotte and Ginger and all the wonderful participates of Spiritual Sunday. I have missed some of the encouraging and thoughtful posts in the past weeks. I want to join everyone today. Blessings to all.


I found this sweet poem by seven year old Sarah. I am guessing she was a patient at Texas Children's Hospital. It caught my eye because I use to write a lot of poetry when I was young and into my teens and early twenties. I think she must have loved pink and this was her sharing it with everyone:

The color pink!
It makes me wink!
I think about it all the time
It's not a lime.
It's pink of course.
Not a horse!
Just pink!

Any writers or poets out there? Come over and share your favorite pink poem. Then check out Beverly and our fabulous pink parade each Saturday. I am grateful Beverly hosts this affair each weekend and I am grateful too for each and everyone of you that shares your pink and the love of it!

Some pink that I love:
Easter peeps and bunnies
Pink bubble gum
Pink flowers
Pink newborn babes with silky sweet soft skin
Pink and rosy cheeks after running in from the cold
Pink puppy noses, cold on your nose!
Pretty pink lip gloss
Sparkling pink drinks!

As a kid during the Easter season stores like F.W. Woolworth sold baby chicks that were dyed pink and other assortment colors of the Easter parade. I longed for one and purchased one with a friend. She betrayed me when my mother caught me with that baby chick and marched me back to Woolworth's to return it for a full refund! I was sad but even as a youngster I realized my mother was right. Whatever would I have done with a live chicken when it was full grown? The moral of my story is Mother knows best!

Come join Pink Saturday today. It is such a fun meme and we enjoy each other's company and you will be able to make some wonderful friends here.

I tip my pink hat and my toasting flute full of pinkness to Beverly and the entire participating Pinkies! I love you each and everyone!

All these images were provided by google today/

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I have  quick minute to wish everyone a wonderful day! A breathing day I call it! Today the doctor I work for is traveling, by car, three hours one way to Wray and Yuma to see patients and perform a surgery or two. Please remember doc in your prayers. I can finally catch up all my work that is sitting  in my desk. Filing is crammed into tight spaces and we have three weeks worth of work to pull charts on. I am very grateful to be busy and have to work so hard. Someday's it is difficult when you feel like others do not do their fair share. But I keep plugging along and praying each step of the way.
Nick ran awesomely in track yesterday! He took first in the 2 mile and 2nd in the one mile. They were disqualified for the 4 by 4 relay saying Nick threw the baton when he was exhausted and dropped it. It was a difficult situation and I know, I have been in many in my life when things are not fair. But we told him to pray and continue on. It was than that he did so well in the 1600 and 3200 races. Nick is a distance runner. The longer the run the faster he goes. But he is suffering today. Racked with a migraine headache and body aches, possible the flu, he is resting and I ask for prayer. He misses a lot of school with his headaches but we can do  nothing but get therapy for him and rest his body. He had leg cramps and he is under the electric blanket keeping those legs warm and toasty. He also has an nchilles strain on his left leg so that adds to his discomfort. That two mile race was wonderful he and two team mates took it one, two, three! They are great distanct runners. But all the kids did well. Shot put and the javlin throw, the short races. everyone has an amazing talent and if they are new at it they just need that gentle nudge to not give up. Nick has come a long way and I am proud of him.
Sweets stole my camera so I will have to post the pics later. He has been organizing our photos on cds. It helps sort things out.
I have laundry to sort and work to attend to at the office so I will sign off.
All of you that come over and leave messages and follow me need to know I care about each one of you and although I can not always leave those wonderful personal messages I give it my best just knowing you are here.
Have a happy day and enjoy the St. Patrick Day festivities where ever you may be.
I will leave you with a Scripture and an Irish proverb.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
About evening a man is known.
A boys best friend is his mother and there's no spancel stronger than her apron string.
A buckle is a great addition to an old shoe.
A closed mouth--a wise head
A dishonest woman can't be kept in and an honest woman won't.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
A foolish woman knows a foolish man's faults
After the gathering comes the scattering
A golden ring can tie a man as tight as any chain.
A good beginning is half the work.
A greyhound finds food in its feet.
A guest should be blind in another man's house.
A handstaff of holly, a buailtin of hazel,a single sheaf and a clean floor.
A heavy purse makes a light heart.
A hut is a palace to a poor man.
A Kerry shower is of twenty-four hours.
A king's son is not nobler than his food.
A list full of gain and a village full of shame.
A little dog can start a hare, but it takes a big one to catch it.
A little of anything isn't worth a pin; but a wee bit of sense is worth a lot
A little pleases a poor man

A live dog is better than a dead lion.
All happy endings are beginnings as well.
A loud voice can make even the truth sound foolish.
A man of one cow-a man of no cow.
A man is no more encumbered by his soul than the steed by his bridle or the lake by the swan.
A man is shy in another man's corner.
A man may be his own ruin.
A man who holds good cards would never say if they were dealt wrong.
A man with a loud laugh makes truth itself seem folly, Truth is great and will win out
A meeting in sunlight is lucky, and a burying in the rain.
A misty winter brings a pleasant spring, a pleasant winter a misty spring.
A narrow neck keeps the bottle from being emptied in one swig.
An excuse is nearer to a woman than her apron
An eye is blind in another man's corner.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind donkey.
An old broom knows the dirty corners best.
Any man can lose his hat in a fairy- wind.
Any man who owns a cow can always find a woman to milk her.
A poem ought to be well made at first, for there is many a one to spoil it afterwards.
A postponement till morning A postponement for ever.
A promise is a debt
A ring on a good woman's finger is no good without a blouse on her back.
A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyrs blood
As honest as a cat when the meat is out of reach.
A secret is a weapon and a friend.
A shamefaced man seldom acquires wealth.

A short visit is best and that not too often.
A shrew gets her wish but suffers in the getting.
A silent mouth is musical.
A silent mouth is sweet to hear.
A silent mouth never did any harm.
A sly rogue is often in good dress.
A smokey cabin, a handful of spuds and a flea-filled bed
A soft dropping April brings milk to cows and sheep.
A spender gets the property of the hoarder
As the old cock crows the young cock learns.
A story without an author is not worth listening to.
A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea.
A turkey never voted for an early Christmas.
Autumn days come quickly like the running of a hound on the moor.
A watched kettle never boils.
A wedge from itself splits the oak tree.
A welcome is a debtor's face
A whistling woman and a crowing hen will bring no luck to the house they are in.
A wild goose never reared a tame gosling.
A windy day is the wrong one for thatching.
A wise head keeps a shut mouth
A woman can beat the devil.

A woman like a goose, a sharp pecking woman
A woman like a pig, a sleepy-headed woman
A woman like a sickle, a strong stubborn woman
A woman like a goat, a woman of rushing visits
A woman like a sheep, an affable friendly woman
A woman like a lamb, a quiet friendly woman

A woman without is she who has neither pipe nor child

 Isaiah 40:28-31 (New International Version, ©2011)

28 Do you not know?
   Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
   the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
   and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
   and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
   and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
   will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
   they will run and not grow weary,
   they will walk and not be faint.
n the hand is better than a crane to be caught. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you:
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.

Cat Versuses Dog!

Roxie was taking a nap and snoring away when Boots walked up to her and swiped at her! We had a near dog vs. cat fight! Boots is a big ole cat weighing about 25 lbs. Roxie is a svelte 5 pound Chihuahua. I think Boot is just getting on in years and has little tolerance for anyone and anything! He is a strange cat. Rose, on the othr hand think she is the sister of Roxie!

Come join Tuesday's Show and Tail! Come join Angela and all of us over at Tuesday Show and Tail! Let's see if blogger posts my photos!


I' m late here today because I was having many difficulties with blogger. Then I had a "10"migraine yesterday and came home from my office and went to bed! It has been a tough week already! But I am very late posting with Spiritual Sunday and I feel so disconnected when I can not get in on time. But in the wake of the recent natural disasters in Japan I felt I had to come by and post this.
Did you know that on top of an extinct volcano on La Palma, Canary Islands sits one of  the world's most powerful telescopes? The Gran Telescopio Canarias offers astronomers a remarkable clear view of the heavens. It is located at 7,870 feet and sits above the cloud cover. There are no prevailing winds and it is dry and turbulence free. Sitting here, near the equator, scientists can study all of the Northern Celestial Hemisphere and part of the Southern.
When Jesus lived on this earth he chose a mountainside to teach His followers about using their lives to glorify God. We must all yield to Him and obey His laws. I think with the tragedy we are seeing everywhere on the news today we must lift up Japan and we must pray for their people.
I think we have all become so mundane in this world and we try to turn from the Lord rather than focus on Him. I just wanted to use this illustration to show you what I think is the very core of our being. Faith. In God, not in laws, and governments and celebrities and places. We need to turn our hearts toward Him.  We must keep our faith strong in this wicked place we call the world.
Most of us do not have the ability, the power or the prestige the world wants to control nature. We must solely rely on God. Keep your faith and pray.

"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who lives in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters." Psalms  24:1-2

Please thank Charlotte and Ginger for hosting Spiritual Sunday. Go here and get some encouragement today.
These are my photos and how they posted I am not sure. This blogger is very challenging!


I am so late posting! I am late posting Love is... and my Spiritual Sunday posts as well as today's Tuesday Show and Tail! It is all bloggers fault! The crazy site would not allow me to post any pictures including my own! Drat! Drat! Double Drat! So I am posting my Love is...first. This is my Sweets and I. Living for each other. We do most everything together. I have a breakfast get together with my girlfriends from our days working at the hospital together. They are the tight knit bond that I love and cherish. We know each other and have been through thick and thin together. So I do have a life without  Sweets but I like to spend a lot of time with him. Often we do not answer our phone at night and we spend time just being together. I really like it. We recently bought new shoes for running and walking together. We also are getting our basement organized so we can work out there together. I hope you like the Love is... although it is late. Stop by and visit Marydon andSherry who share in this fun Love is.. post.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I am joining Beverly for Pink Saturday and giving a tribute to St. Paddy's Day! My Sweets is half Irish so my phamily celebrates with corned beef and cabbage each year! I love Maxine so I had to share this cute cartoon with you! Leave it to Maxine to think of this leperchaun kicking humor! What is your favorite jelly belly flavor? I am partial to cotton candy and pear! If you want a kick try some jalapeno flavored jelly bellys. I borrowed a few google images to share here. Visit some Pinkies and join in the green and pink fun today!

Please keep Nick in your prayers. He running in a track and field event in Boulder today. He runs at 9:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. It will be a long excitement filled day for us but there is a wicked fire raging in the Left Hand Canyon area so keeps us all in your prayers. Here is Nick in his newest track and field gear! When he gets home I will post the super cool new running shoes he wears!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Funny Story

 These are five of the six suspects. I just re potted a houseplant. When I stopped by my house today from work at lunch my plant was stripped and shredded and littered throughout the upper level of the house! The weird thing is no one is sick and the plant had a thick stem on it! The roots were huge and it had been in the new pot for  four days! Now I can not get all my photos to load on blogger so I can not find a new photo of Roxie. You all know her with her cute chihuahua self! All five pounds of her and she seems like the most unlikely candidate to commit this wicked crime! My money is on Smokey and Stella. They are the largest of the six offenders. Rose could be a contender. She once undid a bag full of fried chicken and opened the box and fled with the contents! So never underestimate the power of a furry kitty! Boot appears to the least suspect. He is lazy and getting on in years. He is easily bored with the rest of the pets yet he is wicked in his own way. He is a cat to be contended with! Bandit is far too nervous and probably served as their lookout! So while we undo this crime let me make you smile. Last night as we were getting ready for bed my Sweets went to get a glass of water. He saw Rose sashaying down the stairs and Smokey, Stella and Bandit nipping her heels! Apparently she swiped at one of them and they banded together to corner her. She was lucky my Sweets came along. They may have worked her over without any witnesses!
I hope you will visit Angela and join her pet parade. Thanks for stopping by.


 I have to ask you for prayers for Mary. I will fill you in on the details later but this is in regard to a medical situation. She means the world to me so all your prayers are most appreciated.

I have been having a tough week, Monday was by far the worst day since I can not remember when! Car problems! Mary was hospitalized! Work was plain hateful and awful. Then the Lord said to me

1 Peter 4 (New American Standard Bible)

1 Peter 4

Keep Fervent in Your Love
 1Therefore, since (A)Christ has [a]suffered in the flesh, (B)arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because (C)he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,  2(D)so as to live (E)the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the (F)will of God.

I said Lord you really like to make a point don't you? I am currently awaiting His answer.
Life is full of so many hardships, heartaches, hatefulness and bitter attitudes. I have to prayer because otherwise I will end up knocking my head against a padded wall and that my friends is something I never want to experience!

So I wait for the Lord and that ole devil makes me think some unpleasant thoughts and I have to chase him away with the blood of Christ covering me!

I have missed everyone here but life has been tough this week. Pray for wisdom for me and the strength for Him to carry me through it all.

I appreciate you all more than you can ever imagine!

Love and Hugs!

My blogger is not letting me post my photo to go with this post! Such a day!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Don't fence me in

This is such a neat old song and Willie Nelson has a nice voice and the scenes in this video are so perfect. I hope you enjoy it!


This is my dedication to Harold and Marydon today! It is also part of my Spiritual Sunday blessing. Please join us all today in prayer and reflect on all the many blessings you personally have in your own lives.

"Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ". Galatians 6:2

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes "4:12

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned. " Isaiah 43:2

Please join Marydon and Sherry and myself in Love is...surely you can all come up with something wonderful about love, in your own life. I am challenging you to leave your favorite quote or post about it on your blog in picture, verse or song. Let's lift up Harold in our prayers.

Now join the wonderful folks at Spiritual Sunday with Charlotte and Ginger who pull this marvelous encouraging meme off each week. I get so much spiritual nourishment from these weekly posts.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I have been looking for tea cozies. I had a nice little collection of teapots and I want to get a few tea cozies to add to my collection. I love tea and keeping it warmer while visiting with a dear friend can be a great benefit!
I choose some google images to share with you for Pink Saturday. I hope you will join Beverly in wishing her a joyful Pink Saturday and thank her for hosting this each week. Also check out many of the other pinkies. Each week I am trying to work my way through the list of fun folks involved in this weekly pink fest.
Also enjoy a few pinj google images of pink treats to share with your tea buddies.
Enjoy your weekend!
I have a quick addition to add here. The pink kitty tea cozie belongs to Ruth. A lady she knows made the cute little kitty cozie. I saw her comment and went over to her blog, Please go join her, she has everything tea related. I think I was meant to meet Ruth so I hope she stops by soon. I am always using google images but I do make mention that they are not mine. I need to take a class so I can learn more photo positive way to use my own photos. I do love that kitty!