
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"N" is for Nails

I could not decide what to do my "N" post on! After the crazy work day I thought "nutty" was appropriate. Our audiologist is on vacation for ten days in Hawaii! Sigh! The medical assistant went home with flu like symptoms! Ack! Good thing I had the flu shot! I hope it helps! Several patients cancelled or rescheduled today and tomorrow because they have the flu! Ugh! I decided if I ever get the time to hop over to the nail salon I will get my nails done! I like the french manicure. It is my very favorite. So...hopefully I can show off my nails this weekend!
Now I will show you a few images I found to get my nail message across!

Nails are nice! They add a polished look to your hands! They can  be long or short or in-between! I see lots of different styles of nail design! During football season I see lots of Denver Bronco nails here:
This lively collage shows lots of nifty nail colors and designs!
In the USA seventy fifty percent of women have had a manicure. Mainly woman have a manicure on their wedding day! Just a fun fact!
Now if you want to be cruising through lots of other "N" blogs hop over to Jenny's and join the neat crowd of nice folks giving you their best!


  1. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog today. They are appreciated.
    Your N post on nails is cute; how do you get the white tips on the fancy French manicure nails?

  2. I like to occasionaly get my nails done too. I just have them paint up my own nails though rather than get the fake ones put on or the tips. My nails grow pretty well, I just don't have the painting skills to make them look nice like some of these ones do;-)

  3. Loving all these nails!! I only get pedis since I type all day at work (and home too! lol!)... and hoping you stay healthy!

  4. pretty!
    I rarely get manicures because my hands are always in something crafty.

  5. Having a manicure is a real treat and some of the technicians are real artists as your collage shows.
    Nice post.

  6. I don't do much "luxury" stuff for myself but I go every few weeks and have my nails done. They are so awful because I am so hard on them so I go to one of the cheapy places and just do the plain old French manicure and come out feeling like a million bucks! xo Diana

  7. I kept a french manicure for about a year, loved the way it looked but hated having to go get them done! They are just mine right now! Hope you enjoy this day and stay away from the flu! HUGS!

  8. How fancy! I love your french manicure. I had one once, but I found ink would stick to them from rubber stamping :-) Great post for this week.

  9. I used to do my nails all the time, but my art projects always messed them up. Now I just keep them short and neat!

  10. that reminds me how badly I need a manicure! heehee.

  11. If I put a pic of my nails on the internet it could scar folks for life...

  12. I like the Pepsi look nail color. It's beautiful!

    Mary, MI

  13. I love a manicure, but not as much as I love my pedicures. My manicurist is a man named Josh and there's something about having Josh at my feet that I love.

    And yay for flu shots. They are the best.

  14. I used to always keep my nails interesting, but I don't have the patience for it anymore. I'm doing well now if I keep them filed and have the cuticles under control!


    PS. Love these styles!

  15. I can't have long nails because of playing the piano! Love the pictures!


  16. When I worked I always had my nails done. I wore Gel nails and the nail tech always used that pink fill. I thought they looked so nice. Now I am retired and don't have a manni as often as I'd like to. Mostly get one to clean them and shape them up. No color. I do get pedicures on a regular basis. My father had Diabetes and I have always said I will always take care of my feet. So I go every three weeks like clockwork. It's my one splurge.~Ames

  17. Guess I'm in that 25 percent that haven't been pampered. But my son's wedding is coming in May...maybe it's time for me.
    Welcome to my blog and hope you enjoyed the visit and left with a smile.
    Blissful Blessings ;-)

  18. I hope you stay well! I love the nail collage. I've never had a professional manicure. I started keeping my nails short when my children were little ~ no time to pamper myself then. Now I keep them short because I play the piano at church and long nails get in the way.

    I hope you get the chance to get your nails done. Take care of yourself!

  19. A manicure sounds like such a treat! I like the first photo best of all - not too long, but very polished.

  20. Those Denver Bronco Nails are Neat...

    I could Never manage to keep my Nails looking that pretty...

    Something about digging in the dirt for my garden prevents that... sigh...

    Nifty post for the letter "N"!

    Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your beautifully manicured hands soon...

    Thanks for linking.


  21. Ooo, pretty nails :) Fun stuff, eh? :)

    I was just thinking about you yesterday and you wrote, how about that?!

    Hope you and your Honey are feeling better.
