
Friday, April 19, 2013

Please Never Forget: April 19, 1995

With all that is going on today and the sadness surrounding our lives and those particularly in Boston and also Texas with so much loss of life I want to ask you to continue to pray for all involved in these horrific tragedies.

 Please pray and remember those taken from their loved ones on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City. The Oklahoma City Bombing is very dear to me. Because the trial was held in Denver and I saw those families each day waiting to get into the courthouse and because my oldest son worked on the construction of the jail where the bomber was held I had to do a lot of praying and I still pray for the loved ones left behind and those directly affected by this terrible tragedy. Please never forget.

6 comments: said...

When tragedy hits, it's hard to think of nothing other than the images seen on tv. The media portrays the story sometimes, less than sensitive and more to the point of getting it out there. I stop to remember that this person mattered to so many people and that their lives will be missed. I also pray that their loved ones will be comforted in some way.

LV said...

We all need to be doing a lot more praying as things certainly do not promising.

Chatty Crone said...

I do think you are right - we have to remember everyone. What in the world is happening? Hugs, sandie

Dewena said...

I remembered it this morning as the day before that terrible thing happened in OK my husband had surgery and it seemed almost too much to bear seeing the pictures on the news the day after. We have to be strong so we can help in every way we can to preserve all that is good in America.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I will never forget that sad day....

Denise said...

Amen, amen.