Oh My Goodness! This weekend has nearly disappeared into a new work week! I don't like to gripe on my blog, but I have to pray to have a strong mind and faith as I prepare for the work week. I have just accepted the fact that God is keeping me there for a reason, and that reason has to do with faith. I talk to God a lot! He knows my strong will. He knows I share my opinion too vigorously sometimes and I struggle with what comes out of my mouth at times! But for whatever reason, he is keeping me where I am! So I surround myself with His word and I go about my day!
Some pinkness for my pinkies! I so love being part of
Beverly's weekly fun! She is a wonderful lady with a beautiful heart, who leads us into pinkness each weekend! Thank you Beverly and all the wonderful pinkies who participate. I will be visiting you between today and the rest of this week!

This is my photo! One day I am going to learn how to use my cool Canon Rebel camera and write my Phamily Blog on my photos! This is Kansas. How about that blue sky? As we headed out there earlier this month to set Nick up at school I shot this. Sweets and I love windmills. Not bad for a girl in a coffee coma traveling in the darkness with her Sweets and youngest son! Sigh! Come Friday morning my Sweets and I will steal out into the darkness and back to Kansas. The Lord already told me I can not sell my soul to go to all of Nick's XC meets so we are going to this one and if my Princess House sales are high enough, we will head out for one in October and the final in November. We were sad because we like the hotel we stayed in at Ark City but all the rooms are filled this weekend so we are staying in a vintage place in Winfield. Reminds me of my early childhood. In the 1950s!

As long as our room is clean and the staff pleasant we will be fine! The rate was really low! It also had some high marks on the review page! I do love those blue skies!
Wondering where I have been instead of posting Pink Saturday and Love is... Oh heavens! Our garage! Gee, how the heck can a phamily of 7 have so much stuff?! The kids say it is all mine. But that is not true! Lots of things, memories, dolls, Princess House, you name it, we have it! We should open a business in our garage! Good stuff, low prices! I love that big blue tube in the background!
So far Rebekah and my Sweets and I have sorted through a total of twelve Princess House boxes. Three belong to the kids, three are mine and the rest on the selling block! We have so many beautiful things! If you know anyone looking for something from Princess House, call me first! I see blue here too!

See my pretty blue decorative pillow? I love that pillow!We already donated three car loads of stuff to the A.R.C. and Goodwill! My Sweets will stop me cold if I try to buy it back! Laugh Out Loud! We found a box of Nick's toddler clothing. After I cried into that box Sweets took it away and headed over to the Goodwill with it! I texted Nick! He was getting ready for a run but he laughed, "Glad I'm here!" He is like his mother, he will keep little things from his childhood and I am searching for his first bible. He was a toddler at the Mt. Zion Lutheran PreSchool and Ms Coon, his teacher purchased a beautiful leather like bound bible for each child and they highlighted passages they learned! I found a second hand bible at the thrift store for Nick to take to college with him. We always encourage all our kids to read their bible! Many times we have written these words inside the bibles "This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book."

I have an NIVWomen of Faith bible one of my dear bloggy buddies gave me! She likes to be secretive but I know who she is and I love her dearly! The Holy Bible encased in blue!

As I was reading my bible this morning and doing my daily study I was reading about Anna Cetas who said when she was 12 her dad retired from the paper mill and was given a Holy Bible inside a cedar chest. She assumed since it said "Holy Bible" it was off limits. So one day she took a peek! As she opened that bible the page fell open to the verse John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." She said a clear red page fell over the page and a photo of Christ hanging on the cross. As a child she said the red film made it appear that He bled and died. She said when she had the chance she looked at that picture and wonder if that verse were true or if He too was off limits. It reminded me of my own childhood. Not because I was not raised in a Chrsitian home but because my folks had a beautiful leather bound bible that appeared to be crisp and clean and rarely uses. It also contained many of those photos but my father kept his own bible at his bedside. He often quoted the Book of James and as a child in Catholic school I was never encouraged to read the bible for myself. I always heard the words from a priest. It was like it was off limits. But I must have inherited my fathers curiosity because I thumbed through his personal bible many times. I have always felt a very strong connection with my own dad because of his bible. I wish I could have inherited it after his death. But my darling Sweets who asked me why I didn't read the bible for myself? When we were dating he gave me my first bible. Today it is a battered old New American Standard bible that is literally falling apart. But I read and re read it and highlighted the heck out of it! I have purchased many bibles since that time but that one is still with me because it means so much to me.

It has been a while since I participated with
Charlotte and the gang over at Spiritual Sunday. It is a wonderful inspirational and encouraging group and so today I am sharing my post with all of them too. Charlotte is a gracious hostess and she loves the Lord with a passion I love seeing! I like her
blue button!
"No longer do I call you servants , for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. "John 15:15 (NKJV).
I hope those of you who follow Spiritual Sunday will take this to heart. I cherish each one of you and all you share with me. I have missed being part of this group. I love butterflies and this little Hallmark verse says it all. I love giving and receiving cards! Oh my, blue skies and some pretty butterflies!

Do you ever wear your rose colored glasses so everything looks better? As I grow older I realize my time on this earth is slowing catching up with me! So I cherish more, I get emotional very easily and understand all those things the nuns pounded (sometime literally) into my head! I learned way back in the kindergarten that everything good does indeed come from God. I understand why we are born with the ability to choose right from wrong. I have very few regrets and I value my Christian upbringing. I try to steer myself away from the ways of this world and people who think political correctness is the way to be! God loves each and everyone of us and it is ultimately up to each one of us to decide where we want to be in the next life! I never try to influence anyone with my way of thinking but I am caution around people because each day I am surrounded by people living wrong, being dishonest and hungry for money and pride and power! I pray for them because there is nothing else I can do. I am kind and very well organized in my job. I always smile and listen patiently when a patient has something to say. I respect everyone. I wish everyone respected me. I hope you will join
Marydon and everyone sharing their Love is...each Sunday/Monday! When I dated my Sweets many years ago the newspaper printed these cute little Love is....seven days a week. I cut them out and pasted them onto construction paper and made a booklet for my Sweets. We still have that and I still feel very loved after all these years of marriage! Come and join our Love is...

I fee like Cathy from the comics on Monday morning! I think I love wearing
blue dresses the most! Not a bow in my hair kinda gal though! Even though Cathy's is
blue! As soon as my key opens the door those silly phones sound off! It is as if I have set off an alarm! Now I want you to visit
Sally. She hosts Blue Monday each week and I hope you scan and read my post today, although it is very long, and find how many blues I shared with you! Sally rocks and she is the coolest Blue of them all!