Today is one of those days where I am happy one moment and sad in the next! Four years ago today I lost the sweetest and kindest feline friend a girl could ever imagine having! My feline friend Boots passed away after a short but difficult illness. He was the classiest kitty who ever lived. Smart and very gentleman like, he never left my side when I was sick or sad. I miss him so much. He was truly one of a kind! He would have turned 14 on our wedding anniversary May 3rd in 2012. But the sweetest cat I ever knew was taken from me too soon. I pictured him growing really old with me but it was not to be. This pinterest find is on his board that I made for him there.

When Boots was a kitten he never really acted like one. He was a mature feline in a kittens body. I loved him so much and when I think back to the day we got him, he costs us a whooping $35! The lady who sold him to us said he was quite a quiet fellow and not a squawker like his sister. She thought perhaps their father was a Siamese because the others in the litter were quite vocal. My Boots was just perfect. He had a "milk moustache" and beautiful markings like a tuxedo! His paws were white and that is how he came to be "Boots". As a kitten the girls would dress him up, prim and proper him and he would sit still like a regal statue. They put hats on him and scarves and sunglasses. He was always the guest of honor at their tea parties.

He was giving me the look in this photo. He said "Why must you torment me? Why, oh why, must I live with a houseful of silly dogs? I am so reserved and they are sniffing my bum! really disgusting creatures." He came to love all those silly dogs. He played with them and he loved them. He was a first class friend. I miss you so much my friend.
This boy will always hold a special place in my heart for me.
My very favorite photo of Rose. She is 11 years old today. That is why my day is bittersweet. She is enjoying a gourmet wet chicken and gravy dinner while I write my post. Mr. Kitty has his fat bum soundly sleeping on the sofa in the living room. He is such a slug. Rose is a sort of good will ambassador. She welcomed Miss Daphne to our home while Mr. Kitty hissed and cried and carried on as if she came to take his place! She befriended Roxanne when she came to live with us. The two of them reminded me of the book "Are You My Mother?". Rose has the most beautiful green eyes like jade. She is a quirky gal. Does her own thing and can stare you down with the best of them!

rose is very cold blooded. She loves sitting on the cable receiver. She seems to be saying "Follow the bright blue light". She loves getting her photo snapped. This girl came to live with us when Nick was in middle school, the fifth grade to be exact. Nick claimed his friends parents were parting ways and the dad said he would drown these lousy kittens. Nick was quite dramatic and my hubby fell for it! While Nick attends college in Kansas, Rose rooms with us. She got very ill last year. The cost was astronomical and somehow we paid the price. She had a really awful urinary tract infection. Nick takes good care of her. Because she is a long haired cat she is hard to groom. Oh, did I mention, she is a biter too! She got sick once with a flu bug, I am sure, and Nick jumped in the bathtub with her. He has a method of holding her legs together she she can not bite or run away and he gave her a bath until she was smelling like a beautiful bouquet of roses! Yes, the pun was intended there!

Rose looks miffed but Mr. Kitty is photo bombing her with his legs so she might be mad! She is the house matriach of felines and she never lets him forget it!
Rose is quite serious. She loves the sunlight and seeks a warm place to rest her aging bones. We love rose and wish her a happy birthday, even if she is the chicken rangling thief stealing chicken for her own culinary delights!
A girl needs her rest. We hope she is with us for many more birthdays to come.
Some wise words for Rose today. Please visit
Jenny and share your warm hearts too.