I have been thinking....that is scary because I was thinking about Monday and Monday is always a wild ride for me! I work for an ENT doctor and Monday's are bad! This past Monday we had three emergency patients all with nose bleds out of control! I think it is the dryness in the air but I hate to think after a long day at the crazy place!
But I was thinking I always wanted the closet Big gave to Carrie with the super apartment in NYC to match and I posted a piece about it. But my friend Barb over at
dogmom diva said our parents did fine without extra storage and what is wrong with us?
I think we are pack rats. I think no one admits it but we are! My folks did not have all the stuff I have and I have stuff! I own three washing machines and matching dryers! The problem is only the dryers work and one only of my three washers work! DUH! I kept them because my nephew Ed in Kentucky is appliance repair wizard and I thought maybe he'd come visit and fix 'em all for me and I could sell them! Well, 7 years have come and gone since we moved here and no Ed and no repaired appliances so...
Those 2 non working washers are going to go bye bye and if I am lucky enough to make a few dollars I will sell those dryers.
What is most pathetic is that we pay for a storage place to store this stuff?!?! But the appliances are not alone. I have 15 full size Princess House large packing boxes full to the brim of Princess House! Four of these boxes belong to my lovely children still living here but the rest is all mine!
I have a doll collection to revival anyone's doll collection but these babies are tucked into the storage too! Then there are the Barbie dolls. The boxes of collectible Barbies are ok. I own them with Rebekah and Hannah but the second hand Barbies I have downstairs in three different Barbie houses- yikes! A Mayflower moving van would be needed to relocate these dolls! LOL!
Now I will tell you, I saw a guy walking in downtown Denver without a coat, no jacket, no sweater, nothing just 2 weeks ago! I am the kind of person that would have given him the coat I had if I could have gotten out of the flow of traffic! I did that once many years ago. I saw a guy walking in a snowstorm without a coat. I was headed to the ARC with a mini van full of stuff! I pulled over and tossed that good jacket to that kid! He looked as if I had just given him the winning Lotto jackpot!
I have boxes and bags of gently used clothing. My son Nick, all 5'7", 128 pounds of him, had an entire closet full of size 8 boys t shirts that were in near perfect condition. He had a pair of "I think I worn those khaki dress pants once" nice pants three sizes too small for him! My grandson Colton, about the same weight & height as Nick seriously tried to wear a jacket I think he had in the 1st grade! Double DUH! I took it away from him and placed it in my giveaway bag!
The hubby and I will be making a pit stop at the local ARC and the local Goodwill Saturday morning. By that time I will have gone through every closet in this house and confiscated all the things that no one has used since John Travolta wore that leisure suit in Saturday Night Fever!
I just think sometime we hang on to memories and we forget the really important stuff. We need to be content in the here and now! We need to take care of today. We can not change yesterday and we can not predict tomorrow.
We love the ones we have lost and remember them fondly but we are not going to bring them back to this earth by hanging on to things that we have no place for. You can not bring someone back with old memories. I like my pictures and I will journal and write important things down. That way keeping a pair of "clown pants" as my girls refer to a pair of burnt orange and cream striped pants that are hideous looking not to mention out of date and dry clean only. Who knows, someone else may need a nifty clown outfit next Halloween.