
Friday, May 29, 2020

Feline Friday Friendly Fill Ins Pink Saturday

RaeAnne Thayne is an author I follow at social media. I have won a giveaway from her previously and she is one of the nicest people. So sweet. She posted this at her social media site today. Y U M ! Do you like S'Mores? I usually like the traditional ones althought some of these sound really good.  You can even purchase an indoor S'Mores pan and have these anytime you wish. Is there anyone who does not like chocolate?  Our  grand girl Addy is not fond of chocolate cake or ice cream. Our niece Ari is allergic to chocolate and blueberries. Her daddy has the same allergies.  Some fun S' Mores especially if you need something to lift your spirits.
My Jesus loving friend Ranada from Oklahoma shared this with me.

Friendly Fill-Ins  

 Please visit Ellen and her co host Lorianne as they each came up with two of these questions today.

1. I would like to improve my________________  
2. My_________  is ________________________________ 
3. My current to-do list includes ___________________
4. I finally______________________________________

My answers:
1. I would like to improve my fitness plan and than spend more time reading.
2. My  hair needs a good cut.
3. My current to-do list includes laundry, sending birthday wishes and also some encouragement to others.
4. I finally realized I need to enjoy more down time with my hubby. Time goes by too quickly.
This little darling is a perfect pink princess.  She came into our phamily after a long sadness. Her brother Alastor was taken too soon to his heavenly home. But I believe  he helped God pick this sweet girl to ease some of the pain. Look at her smile. She knows she is a gift from God.  Please come visit Pink Saturday.
Prayers are answered, in God's own time.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Stop by Feline Friday and share some feline fun. This one is happy today is F R I D A Y !

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thankful Thursday and More

A friend shared this at social media. Lou Diamond Phillips with his five Maine Coon Cats. One is hiding away behind the couch. My friend Marilyn had 2 Maine Coon Cat. One Thankful Thursdayday she came home from work and noticed her Pookie cat and her other Maine Coon sitting under the tree in the backyard. Her brother Bill was a Vietnam Vet and he often forgotten things or did random unusual things. She said, Bill did you let the cats outdoors? You know they are declawed and could never defend themselves. He was appalled and answered, I would never do such a terrible thing. The next day same thing. So off to the store she went to purchase a  video camera. The next day, their they were, chilling underneath the shade of the tree. She checked her video cam and the big male Buster was jimmying the lock on the patio door. That darn cat opened that door and away they went! This went on day after day. Buster was determined to have his friend enjoy the great outdoors with him. I love that story and always remember her two Maine Coons fondly. Stop by Thankful Thursday Show us what you are thankful for.
When Brody held Miss Shea Avery Marie he told his mom and dad he wanted a sister just like her. They told him he can have a baby girl cousin instead. HaHaHa! You have to be thankful for a boy with a kind heart. I sure am.
Cousin Harrison invited Brody over for a swim. Brody had been a bit shy about the water until he got in with Harrison. Another kind heart. It is amazing what another child can do to ease the fears of his small cousin.
Blake is following his big brothers lead. Together they keep their parents busy. Thankful for this crew including sister Addy not pictured with them.  The water table is something to occupy little ones on the warm sunny days.  Thankful I am related to this bunch of cuties.
I love this truth. Kindness will always come back to you tenfold. I truly believe it.
We still have a clothesline. I Love it. Fresher sheets and comforters too in the warm weather. I am just wondering how people, like the Amish, unfreeze their laundry in the winter time? I am guessing somehow they do it indoors. I love the Amish, having recently been grace by their hospitable ways. I love their handmade games and the ladies make candy more delightful then anything found in the stores today.  Mr. Dan Rabler, the toy maker, remembered our daughter Rebekah from her November visit to their shop. I know his name because he had a nice business card. I would never be mad at my hubby for updating my clothesline. HaHaHa I LOVE it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

One Margarita, Two Margarita, Three Margarita

I was listening to Luke Bryan when a friend Barb said she needed a drink after a long tiring day! So for those who love Margarita's (like my neighbor Nancy) Cheers! I can never be wordless on Wordless Wednesday When I was young and foolish I loved tequila! The last time someone wanted to buy me a shot of it was about 1990 something in Trinidad, Colorado! I was with my friend Heather helping her display our Princess House products at a home show. We visited a local bar where she knew the proprietor and a customer said , honey let me buy you a shot of tequila. I replied, only if you have an ambulance service on standby! If I had a shooter back then I would have needed an ambulance. Our kids were small and drinking was not our habit anymore. But you could turn this frozen Margarita into a pitcher full of frozen lemonade.! (wink wink). Even the kids would enjoy that!

One Margarita by Luke Bryan :

Everybody here ain't from here
But we're here doin' our thing
Lettin' go a little, little by little
Sippin' on a frozen drink
Tiki bars tik'n, pourin' all weekend
Clouds ain't leakin' no rain
Two pieces shakin', white caps a-breakin'
We ain't feelin' no pain, it goes like
One margarita, two margarita, three margarita, shot
Don't worry 'bout tomorrow
Leave all your sorrow out here on the floatin' dock
When that sun lays down, we'll be on our way
One more barefoot round, one more last chance to say
"Hey Señorita, don't you think we need
A salt and a Buffett song?"
One margarita, two margarita, three margarita
We'll be gone
Ice blue skies, shades on the eyes
To tuck the bloodshot away
Hair of the dog, shouldn't take long
But who cares, we got all day
Palm trees

If I drank tequila today I would need Luke Bryan to dance with me to "Knockin Boots" another fun song of his! But I imagine his wife would prefer he dance with her (wink wink). Do you like music? If you do what do you listen to? I have said it before, my dad loved opera and he loved Eddie Arnold so I can listen to just about anything. I do love Luke Bryan and George Strait. Many years ago I won a contest on the Jazz radio station and was able to take my hubby to lunch with jazz performer Mindy Abair. At that time, she was only one of three female saxophonists worldwide. She was smitten with my husband and enjoyed his company. But another gentleman there took tons of photos and sent everyone copies on line. A co worker won another contest and had dinner with Peter White. He is a smooth jazz and fusion guitarist and was born in the United Kingdom. When we had a local jazz station they did lots of great contests and we saw Dave Koz and many great jazz artists at the Paramount in downtown Denver. I have a good appreciation of music and enjoy it immensely.
Halfway through the week. I hear people say since this chaos began they think days go by too  slooow. I disagree, which we all have our own opinion of things. Since this all started I think the days fly by way too quickly. I remember my folks telling me this when I was a kid. They use to say, when you get older you will realize how quickly time moves. It is certainly true for me. The month of May is nearly gone.  DO you think time moves slowly or quickly?
I Use a tea timer.  That little thing moves so fast too. 
I hope everyone is getting along with these weird times. I try to set my focus on things above. I don't trouble myself with the media or TV unless I can watch an old western. We went through a spell where we watched old murder mysteries like Columbo and Murder She Wrote. Although Peter Falk passed away sometime ago Angela Landsbury was still here in her 90's along with Dick van Dyke also 90 something! He starred in Diagnosis Murder.  Do you watch any TV programs new or old? 
My go to verse. There are those days....
Words for comfort and healing. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Happy Tuesday and Much More

Happy Tuesday You might see a lot of this girl's pretty face ! It has been twelve whole years since a girl graced this phamily.  This love bug likes sleeping. She may be dreaming or thinking why did I leave the comforts of a heated swimming pool? HaHaHa! She is so cute.
Sandee do you think Maxine is not an environmentalist? HaHaHa!
So Brody doesn't have his motorcycle here but he was carrying these pom poms that belong to his sister Addy. Maxine made me think how much Brody loves Roger's big hog. So he has a miniature version of a motorcycle. He loves the sound of it. He is 100 percent pure B O Y !
Still thinking about Memorial Day and what it stands for. If you know me, you know I LOVE baseball. I could live and breathe it. Unfortunately the times today took away my beloved game. But I came across this quote Charlie Blackmon ,an outfielder for our Colorado Rockies shared in honor of Memorial Day yesterday.  "Those who have long enjoyed privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them. " Anytime someone says we have to many privileges in America a cold chill run down my spine. Arguing about our constitutional rights also runs my blood ice cold. Live without any of it for one day and please tell me how you feel then. I could repeat prior Memorial Days and remind myself and everyone how my mom's cousin lost her only son (USMC) to the Vietnam conflict. How my grandmother's cousin gave her only son to fight in WWII (USN) and he too, lost his life, as a submariner. He was near Pearl Harbor that fateful day. Please do not destroy and erase history. These men gave their lives so we may have ours today.  A friend (USA)who came back from three tours of Afghanistan remembers those he fought with every Memorial Day, that did not have the luxury of returning home. They gave their all for all of us. Please do not disrespect them with ignorance by erasing history.

Appropriate words for those who never made it home. 

You see my badge for Tinkerbell on my right side bar. She was a lost girl Memorial Day weekend 1996. The kids were outside, we were getting ready to barbeque. We heard a blood curdling scream! Thinking someone lost their arm we went outside in our backyard to see the kids with this tired and dirty little poodle. She was hungry and looked like she was traveling a long distance . We thought we would feed her and help her go home. Nope. That night she jumped on the hubby's side of the bed and remained with us until her untimely passing May 26, 2010. She became Rebekah's best friend. Going everywhere she went. We learned a woman must have abused her. She was afraid of women and also car rides. A while before her passing she ran away. Something in her made her bolt occasionally. We searched for two weeks before a woman said she came into her yard and she allowed her to stay. She had been sunburned badly from being outdoors and looked as though she fought with something wild!We took her to the vet and did all we could for her. We found out she had liver disease. My friend Barb suggested I blog about Tink. So November 1 2009 I started this journey. Missing Tink always, she was a character and had a neat personality. It is hard to imagine ten years have gone by since she left us. Waiting patiently at the Rainbow Bridge with all those fur babies who left before us. "Dogs speak, but only to those who know how to listen." Tinkerbell you would have loved Tuesday Show and Tails. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Aw... Mondays and More

We saw Franklin this weekend and his best girl Lily too.
Lily is older and she loves sleeping a lot. She is a precious girl but she has lost her sight. Franklin is her guardian angel here on earth.
We saw these two cuties too. Jake and Hannah. It is always a joy to be with them. We love them so much.
We met this tiny princess too. It was so wonderful holding her in my arms and whispering in her ear. She knows God loved her. She smiled when she heard it. Visit Sandee and all those who participate in Aw...Mondays. I may be late but I am happy being here. You might not know, the kids live in Western New York and they live in the real country. It is so peaceful. Not lots of city distractions. Even as a child, my sweets said he loved the quiet on the farm when he was a boy. I fell in love with it the first time he took me there when we married. His grandma and grandpa went to bed at 8 o'clock. We were newlyweds. We snuck out the bedroom window and laid under the stars counting hundreds of them and listening to the night sounds all around us. Considering the state of the world today, I would highly recommend it to anyone raising kids. My friend Amanda W. with her five littles and her cute hubby home schools their brood and they live in a beautiful open space. also in Western NY.  I would do it if I were a young mom.
Reflecting on all those who gave their all for us and all those who gave their all for their countrymen today. Such a somber occasion. My parents made sure we never forgot and I haven't.
If you know me well, you know I love laughter. There is not one day my sweets does not roll out of bed with some silliness. I don't know what I would do if he didn't make me laugh out loud. Considering all the dark thoughts many have over these strange times, I had to share my friend Anna's thoughts on this. These past five days have been filled with many good things. I am going to try to rest and be refreshed so I can share more stories.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday We are all so thankful for this beautiful and healthy baby girl. Miss Shea Avery Marie is going to be a joyful addition to our big happy phamily. She is so peaceful. But she had a bath earlier and she was not happy about it! She was squawing for all she was worth! She reminded me of a tiny baby bird. She looked calm as the nurse spoke to her and said you will enjoy getting your hair washed. Just like a girl! Here Shea looks as if even she will never have a care in the world. I am very thankful for her and pray for a protection over her life today and always.

Wordless Wednesday

Last week my grandson Colton said he didn't think the baby girl was going to wait for another three weeks to come into this world.  If he were a betting man he could have been a millionaire! This Wordless Wednesday is not wordless! This is beautiful Miss Shea Avery Marie ! This five pound fifteen ounce girl made her debut last night at 11:20 P.M. She was in such a hurry to get here she said I am coming now and did not wait for the doctor to arrive. Rather she came quickly with nurses delivering this bundle of beautiful pinkness.  She is nineteen inches long and already a very good baby.
Life has been different lately. Then this happened. I think God wanted to spread some joy so He sent this baby girl.
The little phamily. As you know, during these times, only one phamily member can be present with you. So Harrison James is waiting patiently at home to meet his sister.  Alastor is watching them from paradise. God is good, He is very good.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Happy Tuesday and More Tuesday Fun

Sloths are smart creatures. Plus they look so adorable.  They are fast swimmers.  They float and they eat fermenting leaves so they are quite gassy.  I thought you might chuckle at the facts. This photo was shared at google images by National Geographic. Taken by Suzi Eszterhas. Sometime it is hard to share the photos owner. Often if you click on stories they want you to sign up to follow.  I would love to see a sloth up close but I am not one to interfere with their daily lives. If I see different species of animals at the zoo it is one thing. Bothering them in their habitant is another. Stop by Happy Tuesday and visit Sandee and friends. Come over and share too. I miss the days of Tuesday Show and Tail.
Be happy! I Love that expression.  Life isn't always what you expect. It is easier to make the best of it and not complain too much. I have bad bones and do enough complaining about those. I don't need to add anything else to my complaint list. Thank goodness it is shorter than my thankful list.That list goes on forever.
I'm sure in love wit this stunning photo and the words on it. Truth.
I have to say, Maxine is quite crafty. That is a great coat hanger antenna.
True words.
Oh the taco! It is an easy fix for food. The face on this pup cracks me up.
Wise words for today's world.
Brothers at their water play station on a hot hot hot May afternoon. That baby loves the water and Brody, like me, is not a huge fan!
They were so happy Harrison was able to have a play date with them. Harrison is a good helper like Brody so they are good boys to have around. Plus the little one gets so excited. He is going to be so much fun when he starts crawling and walking. Thankful for these boys and all the grands. Happy to have them all in my life.