
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Wordless Wednesday Thankful Thursday Friendly Fill IN's and Memorial Day




This is truly my husband Avery and me every day, every morning,

 ever since we've been married! For this, I am truly thankful!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Happy Tuesday Tuesday4 and Maxine Cracks Me Up


How To Preserve Children

Take one large grassy field, 1/2 dozen children, two or three small dogs, a pinch of brook, some pebbles.

Mixed children and the dogs well together.

Put them in a field, stirring constantly.

Pour the brook over the pebbles.

Sprinkle the field with some flowers.

Spread over all a deep blue sky.

Bake in the hot sun.

When thoroughly browned, remove and set to cool in a bathtub!

This was in a cookbook my mom had and also in the Dear Abby column years ago.

Oh Maxine, you have my heart! 


Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that.

1. Do you have some books in your home? If so what subjects are they? Which is your favorite? I have books! So many books. I lean toward all the Christian books I can find out there. Authors Mary Crowley, Elisabeth Elliott, Corrie ten Boom, Leslie Leyland Fields, Kevin Leman, James Dobson, Michelle Cushatt, Stephanie Thurling and more. I love good clean romance novels by Hope Holloway and RaeAnne Thayne. Historical books, children's books. I am a book fiend!

2. Do you enjoy browsing around in bookstores ? Do you have a favorite you like to go to? I shop on line as it is convenient and saves making a trip out. But I use to love going to the Tattered Cover when I worked in Denver proper.  We have a Barnes and Noble close to our home so I will wander through there occasionally too. 

3. Do you think real books are clutter or do you just love having them around you? I LOVE them! I love the smell and feel of a book in my hand and always have. The Denver Broncos had a player named David Bruton. He had a love of books like do and I loved that man and listening to him  encourage children to read and giving them books as well.  Dolly Parton's Imagination Station is great fun. Our newest grandson will receive a book a month from Dolly's foundation until he is 5 years old. Dolly created her foundation in honor of her own father who could neither read nor write. Yet Dolly said he was the smartest man she ever knew and she learned her good business sense from him. 

4. What is the oldest book you've read and what is the newest book you've read or are reading. The oldest book I love is To Kill A Mockingbird and The Good Earth. My uncle Louie had an original copy of the Good Earth and he let me borrow it. He knew I did not fold pages to mark my place and I was tickled I could borrow a classic from him and he would be proud of me for returning it exactly as he gave it to me. There is a book about E.B. White who wrote Stuart Little (1945), Charlotte's Web (1952) and The Trumpet of the Swan (1970). I am hoping to add it to my collection soon. 

Thank you to Annie who keep this site/blog hop in memory of her friend Toni Taddeo.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Aw...Mondays love is....


If Heidi Klum had married Don Ho , she'd be Heidi Ho but...

If Ida Lupino had married Don Ho she'd be Ida Ho!

My friend Bea turns 94 on May 30th. She always said to me, as we got ready to leave our office, "Let's blow this pop stand". 

I like humor, I like to act silly, even at my age but then you look at the state of things and you do exactly what you have to do!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Aw...Mondays and love is...


A beautiful and tasty anniversary cake. It was oneof the best weekends we had! Spending time together for 4 whole days like kids! We had the best of times and are very grateful for them. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy Tuesday Wordless Wednesday Prayers

 Happy Tuesday

Tomorrow is May 1st.

Flowers and Springtime are happy things, and makes me happy. Even though I have all the hay fever I have a happiness for plants and revived a little house orchid that was looking sad. It now has several blooms on it.

My aloe plant went crazy in our bedroom window! It loves the sunshine! The left side little plant was pink when we bought it. Now it is green with pink coming in underneath it and the house orchid has sweet little blooms.  H A P P Y ! 

Prayers are needed: Noelle has a friend in Michigan. Her dad has colon cancer and it is moving very aggressively. Her mom is having a hard time with it. So the phamily needs prayer. Noelle, being a widow nearly 17 months is going to give mom some encouragement or insight. No better person to share with you and pray for you then one who knows the grief of loss.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. Ephesians 6

I can relate to Maxine. On Friday, I lost my phone. I thought I set it on the kitchen table as I unloaded my groceries. No, it was gone. Our son Jeremy, the keeper of all things to do with technology, like phones, internet, and such said he tracked the phone to where our bedroom is. We spent the day indoors as it was cold and messy outside. We tore the bedroom apart searching nothing. On SONday afternoon when we gave up hope of finding it, Avery went to the extra fridge we have to get chorizo for burritos. There sat my phone, how it got between two packages of chorizo, one will never know. Just happy and grateful we found it. The fridge is on a wall behind our bedroom. Laughing out loud. 

Enjoy your day!