
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Hi everyone! We got a lot of snow and it was wet and heavy. We are blessed. We have power! But many were not as lucky. So I am sharing some photos I took. Except for Maxine. She is making me laugh! My son-in-law has a cool motorcycle. (I will have to post my pic of me sitting on it! Ha Ha). But it is sitting outside in the snow! is cold and wet. Poor motorcycle. So Maxine is her usual snarky self making wise cracks! Ha Ha! Hee Hee! I really like Maxine.
My broken branches photo is a great one too! When my SIL got up today (his day off) this enormous branch was laying on top of his Passport. The good news is there was no major damage. The bad news is the tree branch is so large it will be a while before we can cut it and bind it for our trash service! Grateful no one was hurt!
The red tree is beautiful. It is such a nice autumn reminder. It looks pink in the sunlight. I shot this over the weekend, It was before the cold and snow set in.
Then there is the Halloween pumpkin Amy from our vendor across the hall decorated for us!  She works for a sleep study clinic and brought this cute pumpkin in its Halloween finest to us.
Another vendor  brought us the "Headless Horseman" pumpkin. Did you read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving? Written in 1917 it is a classic and features Rip van Winkle:
A pleasing land of drowsy head it was.
Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye.
And of gay castles in the clouds that pass.
For ever flushing round a summer sky.
Now hop over to  Jenny and say hi! Visit all the participates of this weekly fun at Alphabe Thursday!


My name is Riet said...

You have snow already? oh my goodness, winter will last long then. I loveMaxine too.

Anonymous said...

Love those pumpkins. And I hope the snow is gone in time for trick-or-treating! =>

Theresa said...

Maxine always makes me smile:) Oh my goodness... SNOW? Too early for that white stuff! Happy Halloween dear friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you got snow already. I am so not ready for it to fall here.

Sue McPeak said...

SNOW!!!Already!!!!Wow!!!! Guess your clothesline will not be seeing any clothes for awhile. We are having our first cold snap....oh look a chicken...LOL LOL...I just saw that where was I...oh yes...cold OhSnap! Stay Warm...can't believe I'm saying that after telling everyone to Stay Cool for so many months now.

Chatty Crone said...

Snow already - I kind of don't like to hear that - but I guess y'all are kind of used to it there. sandie

Lola said...

Hi again!

Hope your snow goes soon - only torrential rain here in S Spain so far!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed the fun.

Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* you again next time,


Lois Christensen said...

Can't believe there's snow already! Glad you have power and hopefully the snow will melt soon!

Pat said...

Oh dear - the "S" so not ready for winter to come...I find as the years go by, it loses its charm once Christmas holidays have gone by.

That Maxine - she is always such a hoot and her in your face attitude cracks me up.

Thank you for a fun visit and stay warm!

Ingrid said...

Snow already ?? Here in Belgium it's rather rainy and wet and the temperatures not cold at all.

21 Wits said...

Oh eyah for sure, say it ain't so we don't want snow yet...oh no! Love the cartoon....!

Splendid Little Stars said...

The pumpkin is beautiful! SNOW??!!!
so sorry about the limb on car. glad there was no major damage.

Susan Anderson said...

Can't believe you have snow already!

Glad the Passport wasn't injured...


Heather said...

Snow???? oh my!!! That is a bad word in the Paxton household! If you got it, we will shortly! It sure is cold enough for it at night! I love the pictures of the witch and the pumpkin and the tree is beautiful. Tell the white stuff to stay away from my part of Michigan!!!!
I do hope you are having a great and blessed day!


anitamombanita said...

I'm with you...not ready for the winter cold just yet...and certainly not the snow. Brrrr.

Jeanie said...

Hi, Sandie from Chatty Crone sent me over....I guess because we are both in Colorado and writing about the snow. We got a lot of it, but it is melting pretty well today. The was a lot of tree damage around here (Louisville) too. It is really sad to see.

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Not looking forward to winter here in PA! I'm more into spring and fall!lol

NanaDiana said...

Oh Annie- You have snow! You have snow! Please KEEP your snow! I am just not ready! xo Diana

Judie said...

SNOW???Anne! Really! That would freak me out! I love Washington Irving!!

Pondside said...

Oh dear - snow already? BIG sympathy. I only want snow for a day or two at Christmas!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Are u joking? Snow already. Girlfriend I am not even going to tell you how hot it was here today. lol
I have missed coming by but hopefully with winter coming and quick it sound like maybe I can catch up with my blogging buddies
Have a great weekend

H said...

Snow already? Brrrrrr. Not much use for a motorcycle just now then :(

Jenny said...

I love Maxine! And I love snow! But not in October! Wow! Stay cozy sweet lady!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful fall post with us.

Or would that be 'early winter' post?


nicolewian said...

Glad you're making the best of the weather!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Yep, I've read the book and when I was just a little chicklett saw the original Walt Disney version. Scared the dickins outta me!!!

We've already had a low of 27 down here in southern Mo. Uck...

No more dips in the pool for me!

God bless ya sweetie and have a fantastic weekend.

Love that pumpkin! :o)

Antiques And Teacups said...

We used to live at 5,000 ft and got snow anytime after Sept.1..occasionally in June, July & August too! The Maxine thingie is so funny. Don't you just love her? Thanks for visiting and happy PS!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Sweet Anne! Snow!!! Yep, the TX panhandle has already had a bit, too. Luckily NOT where I live! I love Maxine, too! THanks for the giggles. Love your new pumpkins, especially the dark headless horseman one!! I want to cross-stitch one like that ..... maybe next year!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Cheryl D. said...

Sorry about your snow! I think it looks beautiful though!

Jenny said...

Snow at Halloween just feels silly!

Cool pumpkin, though!

Sorry I'm so late...I can't get onto some blogs on my computer!


Thanks for linking up!
