
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Words Part II:Love is/Spiritual Sunday/Blue Monday

Oh My Goodness! There is a story here! Words can not express my feeling for two favorite bloggy friends who shared this amazing piece of artwork with me! They know of my love for all things tea!
Someday I am going to take a photography class so I can learn how to make my photos pop! Do you love these teacups and the sweet tea pot in the middle? Thank Suzanne and Sue for this quilt magic! I had the worst day on Wednesday! We had planned to refinance the house! That fell through temporairly! Sad that we can not fly Nick home! But happy to make the trip to Kansas and retrieve him for the Thanksgiving holiday ! Staying at our favorite hotel in Salina and getting a free night on the return !  Sitting at work, going nuts, stress, stress and more stress! My sis texted me! I always have my phone handy on vibrate in case of an emergency! She said they had made an arrest in Jessica's murder! Happy for that but sad that families lives are so torn and shattered! Jessica's family, on her mom's side, are very marvelous Christians! The killer, on the other hand, I know very little about, but his mom was stunned when he confessed the murder to her! What a tragedy to have to send your child away.! I just had to pray!
A little fun to diminish the sadness! This is a "lazy girls" idea of pumpkin decorating! These cool lil witch pieces fit into your pumpkin and makes a nice decorating display!  

Love is...chilling out together! I dream about this a lot! Visit Marydon and keep her in your prayers as she had to have more surgery! She is a delight to know and shares a love for these Love is... I was super stressed at work! Too much work, not enough help! I ended up going to lunch at 2 P.M. on Thursday and not returning for the day! I had a killer migraine and my allergies and sinus were causing me to be dizzy! So I retired to my bed for a few hours of restfulness! Sigh!
 Ah.....nothing like good friends! This is Sue and Suzanne! They are forever friends! Their generous hearts and amazing talent is something I will treasures always and forever! Their kind hearts presented me with a gift of love. My quilt will forever be tied to their hearts along with mine!
I hope you visit Charlotte because she is one of those gracious ladies who never seems to tire of pulling the Spiritual Sunday group to share encouragement, joy, stories, videos and songs with us each week. I am joining them today. I was thinking about this verse! How often we rely on the ways of this wicked ole wicked! When things go wrong we scurry back to the Lord like sheep who were lost from their flock! I will be happy when our presidential election is over! I have prayed and voted and hope the lesser of the two evils will come into office! It is such a sad world where mud slinging is a daily routine and these candidates do not seem to care about the common people of which I am proudly part of!  There will be peace on earth only when Christ returns. I have had an incredibly stressful week and the true test for me was giving it all up to God! I can not do it alone and He has proved this to me many times in my life!

Thank you for letting me share many words with you! I just had to let this all go and I hope you will allow me this display of words because I like to be honest and I don't like to lose friends! I just feel sometime if I don't speak up I might miss out on someone who could use a good dose of the Lord! We never know what is going on with others unless we reach out to them.
Remember to enter the blogaversary giveaway for this sweet little coffee press! Mine is a gift I found at Avon! I am celebrating three years of blogging bliss with all of you! Thanks for the memories!
You can also win this cream and sugar set. It is a Vintage Garden delight. It is  collectible from their line  at Princess House and is a very whimsical and detailed pair! Just leave a comment here or at my Pink Saturday previous post and follow me! No other tricks or treats required!

Good to know all of you here! friendship is an amazing thing!

Now visit Sweet Sally and all the blue crew! I bet you can find the blue in my pretty new quilt! There is a little blue in the cream and sugar set I am giving away! I love the color blue and I was even blessed with blue eyes! I found two tea cups and saucers yesterday at the thrift store But they are pink and purple and I also found a sweet doll for $4! She is wearing a peach colored dress!

I hope you liked my quilt presentation! You may hop over to Colorado Lady and read the story behind the process of making this quilt! I am just honored to be part of a wonderful friendship with Sue and Suzanne!


Mevely317 said...

Blame it on my age (whatever), but my first thought on hearing the news that Jessica's killer was arrested was for his parents. What hell they must be experiencing.

SO sorry, Anne, to hear of your stress at the workplace. I can identify on so many levels ... isn't it sad, that this is our new "normal"?

... and speaking of "new normal", my GM and I were talking about all the negativity surrounding this year's election ... that our kids and grandkids will only know the negativity; this will be their "normal." Heck, I can still remember as a child the "I like Ike" buttons and the country coming together.

That's so cool to plan for Nick's Thanksgiving homecoming.

Try n' have a good new week, OK?

Esther Joy said...

I loved the tea cup quilt! So unique and beautiful. The creamer and sugar set go well with it!

Joyful said...

My first time here so much of what you are writing about is new to me. It does sound like you are dealing with a lot! I do love the quilted tea cups. It's lovely. Here from Blue Monday.

LV said...

Anna, you are deserving of all good things. Sorry to hear there is so much stress in your life just now. Life is much too short, do not let it get to you. Just take a deep breath, do what you can and let tomorrow take care of itself. I loved your quilt. Many good wishes and blessings coming your way.

Coloradolady said...

So glad you were surprised on a day that you needed it! Hang in there sweet friend!

Ann said...

The teacup quilt is so beautiful and I know it will hold precious memories for years to come. I'm keeping Jessicas parents in our prayers, you know some of their family live in the Kansas City area too. Hang in there, things will turn around.
Ann said...

Stress sure sucks the air out of you. I am finding that out more and more each day. Hoping that it gets better for you.

Nancy McCarroll said...

You have so much in your post!! It was a good read, and the story from Colorado Lady was interesting.

Happy Blue Monday a day late.

Denise said...

Awesome post. Friends are heart treasures.

Chatty Crone said...

I hate to hear of your stress at work.
I love that someone made you a beautiful quilt.
Glad you will get Nick for Thanksgiving.
And hope Marydon is feeling better.
Hugs. sandie

SmilingSally said...

Some bloggers are so sweet, and I know that Suzanne is one of them!

Thanks for sharing.

I'm sorry to take so long to comment, but my computer acted up.

I'm so glad you figured out how to do that thumbprint.

Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh, I love your quilt and definitely want to win your sugar and coffee set. Good luck to me.

Praying for you to lessen your stress. We refinanced this year and enjoying the lower rates now. I hope you get yours soon.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful bed spread with neat work on it.

Jeannie Marie said...

The quilt is gorgeous! A quilt is a precious heirloom to be treasured! Thanks for stopping by :-)

Leovi said...

Wonderful, I love the design of this beautiful quilt.

LadyD Piano said...

So nice to hear from you but not about all the stress. Please take good care of you! (hang on to His promises) The quilt is gorgeous and goes well for Blue Monday.

Jeanne said...

Good morning Anne, The blue teapot and cups quilt is so darling. A great 'blue' entry and your friends did a great job with the quilt. I do love a lovely cup of tea.

I hate to hear you have had so much stress. I'm praying things will be better soon. It will be great to have Nick home for Thanksgiving.

We are still in Florida this week. Not much blogging going on for me.

I love your version of a pumpkin decoration. Cute. Happy Halloween.
Hugs, Jeanne


Hope all your stress is gone so you can enjoy all God has gifted you and wishes so you can have your son home. What an adorable quilt you got, it is darling, you could even use it as a tabletopper..I think. Thank you for your sweet and kind visit. Big hugs and enjoy the rest of your week.

Terra said...

The tea quilt is sensational and a sweet gift for you.

Unknown said...

G'morn Anne ~
What an exquisite quilt! I'd pay to own that one. Love it!!!

Stress ... oh,my! hope it settles down for you, kiddo.

Horribly sad for everyone re Jessica or any loss of life. You just wonder what the heck is wrong with people that they must do such horrific acts. God bless each family member.

I'd love that darling giveaway set, Anne. It is beautiful.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Anne the quilt is beautiful !
You have certainly had a week. I wonder how people can get through all the stuff thrown at them without His grace, I know I couldn't.
I have some "Love is...." cards , I used to send them to my Sweetie so I love seeing yours.

Holly said...

Hi Anne~
Such a great post! I am praying too for our election! Isn't it comforting to know that we have Him in our lives so that we can trust Him for the outcome?! I hope you are doing better. The pink French press caught my eye, so I am definitely entering!
Blessings to you!

Holly said...

and thank you for posting my giveaway on your sidebar and for entering it!!

pembrokeshire lass said...

Hi, you visited me and here I am returning the visit. Thanks also for becoming a follower. I have tried to become a follower of yours but can't see where!! I just loved the quilt and the lots of interesting things in your blog. I would love to win your giveaway but can't imagine that you would post those to the UK. Best wishes though to the winner!
Hope to be able to find you again soon. Joan