The Jelly Bean Prayer
Red is for the blood He gave.
Green is for the grass He made.
Yellow is for the sun so bright.
Orange is for the edge of night.
Black is for the sins we made.
White is for the grace He gave.
Purple is for His hour of sorrow.
Pink is for a new tomorrow.
And handful of jelly beans,
Colorful and sweet,
Is a prayer, a promise,
A loved one’s treat!
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Resurrection Garden
I have found a wonderful poem that I want to share today. Today has been a day filled much sadness. My husband knew a young man in his thirties who lost his life last night, murdered on the streets of his neighbor. He was a father to two sons. A young boy, the son of my co workers cousin ran into traffic at a mall and was struck and killed. Pray for the family.
Today was a day of reflection. Thinking back on my childhood and what a time Holy Week was in my phamily. Then the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord. I am not much of a follower of the way our world is headed. I have always taken my chances with God. I plan to continue that. But I still cherish my phamily values, the traditions we shared, the faith we were raised with. I have found during the most difficult times in my life the one person I could count on was the Lord Himself. Today when we got bad news about our plumbing I wanted to scream but I know there is a lesson to be learned. Old house, big trees, bad plumb lines. We will pray that we can get it all taken care of somehow, someway. It would not be the first time that we had to get out of a difficult situation. I just know it makes you stronger. So remember the reason for this season, the death and resurrection of Christ.
Here is a poem I found that says it best:
The Friday We Call Good
It seems strange calling
This Friday Good.
But it is good beyond
The world’s simple
definitions of it.
This Friday is Good
Because on that day
Two thousand thirteen
Years in the past,
Death met its match,
In the Suffering One,
Nailed high up
On a barren tree,
Suspended there between
The Silence of Heaven
And the fearful
Rejection of Earth.
On that Friday
We call Good,
History ended
And was buried,
To be born again
Three days later,
On that solitary day
Defeated pride
And Death became
A mere actor
Strutting across
A finite stage,
A dramatic irony
With nowhere to go.
Why is this Friday Good?
Because on that dark day.
Love’s Everlasting Life,
The One who became
One with us in Jesus
That we might live—Forever!
Such sad news here at this time.
However, many thanks for stopping by and a very Happy Easter to you and yours!
Very sad to hear such news. I feel so for the children when I hear such things. I hope you have a happy Easter.
I am sorry to hear about these tragedies. Thank you for sharing the poems. I want to show the jelly bean poem to my grandkids. God bless you.
So sorry to hear those tragedies...
Heartbreaking news. We hope they had Jesus in their hearts.♥♫
It's a wonderful Easter poem, Anne. I was hoping for the GOOD ending which it had. THANK YOU for posting it.
I am sorry for your husband's friend, his family, and for youR husband. We certainly couldn't call last night GOOD in our way. I hope though, that he was a Christian.
I wish you a blessed Easter - s for sister.
Very sad.
Silly me... I commented on your Son's Super Sense of Humor for the letter S but now I see that this Splendid poem was your post...
Needless to Say, this is a Superbly Splendid post...
Did you create that resurrection garden?
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